Survey #1:
put in bold the things that apply to you:
i have a cell phone.
i have friends that use me.
i am an only child.
i am a shopoholic.
i love dangly earrings.
i love cold weather.
i'm obsessed with the computer.
i have shot a gun before.
i can't live without music.
i have no tolerance of ignorant people.
i have ridden on a motorcycle before.
i'll be in this town forever.
i've been to 5 other countries.
i get annoyed easily.
i eventually want kids.
i have neat handwriting.
i have more than a few horrible memories.
i am addicted to chocolate.
i am an atheist...kinda.
my parents are strict.
i love airplane rides.
i love taking pictures.
i hate people who are fake.
i can be mean when i want to.
my parents care about my grades.
one of my best friends is a guy.
one of my best friends is gay.
i have way too many purses.
i'm obsessed with lip gloss.
i am easy to talk to.
i would never eat raw fish.
i cry easily.
i hate when people are late.
i procrastinate.
i love winter.
i have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
i love to sleep.
i wish i were smarter.
i'm afraid of flying.
i hate drama.
i bite my nails.
i have been on an 8 hour drive.
i never fight with my parents.
i love the beach.
i have never had the chicken pox.
i have gone out in public in my pajamas.
i can't control my emotions.
i have a best friend.
i have moved more than once.
i truly love my friends.
i have braces.
i have never broken a bone.
i hate my computer.
i love guys that play the drums.
i state the obvious.
i'm a happy person. (most of the time)
i love to dance.
i love to sing.
i love cleaning my room.
i tend to get jealous very easily.
i love cute underwear.
i love night better than day.
i don't like to study for tests.
i have been on the phone for over 5 hours.
i am too forgiving.
i have horrible sense in direction.
i miss elementary school.
i'm a daddy's girl/mommy's boy.
i love kisses on my forehead.
i love the color pink.
i love to sew.
my eye color changes.
i should see a therapist.
i played on a guys/girls sports team.
i become stressed easily.
i hate liars.
i like comfy sweatpants.
i can play the piano.
i love the smell of rain.
i love my family.
i hate needles.
i am a perfectionist.
i always wanted to learn to play the drums.
i hate the feeling of failure.
i have friends in other countries.
i know how to cook.
i can be quite selfish.
at times, i still act like a little kid.
i will hold a grudge.
i have food allergies.
i love little kids.
i love to read.
i wish i were more motivated for school.
i love getting stuff in the mail.
i have problems with letting go of old feelings.
i hate being alone.
i love summer.
i love the weekends.
i love black eyeliner.
i think im pretty.
i type with one hand.
i live in a one story house.
i (sometimes) wear make-up.
i have never rode on an underground subway.
i can't swim.
i have bad memories.
i go to church.
i sing in the shower.
i have never been camping.
i hate cheerleaders.
i usually get what i want.
i have been on stage before.
i love roller coasters.
no one knows my full story of my life.
i am close with my parents.
i don't have a curfew.
Survey two:
001. What is your name? William
002. Spell your name backwards. mailliW
003. Date of birth: 6/27/89
004. Male or female? male
005. Astrological sign: cancer
006. Nicknames: willy boy, nelson, willum, EMO BOY
007. Occupation: studnet, for shizzle
008. Height: 5'9"
009. Contacts? no
010. Hair color: brown
011. Eye color: green, but blue under some light
012. Where were you born? NYC area
013. Where are u located now? nj
014. Age: 15
015. Screen names: USuckHaveACookie, NoFloggingMollyX
016. E-mail add:
017. What does your screen name stand for? first is a quote by friend, second is NoFX and Flogging Molly combined
018. What is your Livejournal name? rawrishsecksy
019. What does your LJ name stand for? 3 awesome words i use
020. Pets: cats. 2 of 'em. damn...
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? 5 maybe
022. Piercings? none
023. Tattoo's? none
024. Shoe size: 11 mens
025. Righty or lefty? lefty
026. Wearing: jeans, FM "T", and Zero hoodie, socks
027. Hearing: Winter X Games
028. Feeling: energized
029. Eating/drinking: nope
. . . F r i 3 n d S t u F f. . .
Which one of your friends is the...
030. Craziest? trish
031. Loudest? trish
033. Bitchiest? mara (XD)
034. Life of the party? trish, or me once I got more energetic
035. Jock? jimmy
036. Prep? katie
037. Rebel? me, i guess
038. Cutest? ME, duh! No, I joke. Can't say.
039. Best friend of the same sex? Jimmy
040. Best friend of the opposite sex? NH Julie
042. Rudest? me, or trish, but she jokes about it
043. Most shy? steph
044. Dumbest? *raises hand*
045. Smartest? katie t, hands down
046. Weirdest? everyone's weird in there own way. people love it when i get strange, cuz it seems so rare
047. Has the best hair? katie l
048. Best personality? allie r
049. Most talented? katie t
050. Most ghetto? steph
051. Most spoiled? that'd be mean
052. Drama queen? steph loves drama and shares a lot of it. XD
053. Pain in the ass? i can be a pain
054. Funniest? trish
055. Best advice giver? katie
056. Druggie? no druggie friends
057. Most likely to join a cult? me!
058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently? not recently but a few, yes
059. Person you've been friends with the longest? steph
060. How many friends do you have on your buddy list? 37
GuYs /L0v3/KiSsiNg/AnD 0th3r StuFf. . .
061. Have you ever been in love? no. excessive liking but not "in love"
062. How many people have you told "I love you"? too many, and not meaning it now
063. How many people have you been in love with? same as 61
193. Hot drink: cocoa
194. Season: winter/summer
195. Sport to watch: snowboarding
196. Person to talk to online: Julie!
197. What color are your sheets? white
198. What color are your bedroom walls? red
199. Do you have posters on your wall? 3 i think
200. If so of what? lp, a7x, blackdot
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? no
202. How many pillows are on your bed? 4
203. What do you normally sleep in? pj pants
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: the ones i usually wear. green plaidish
205. What size bed do you have? full
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? daybed, i guess. what's a daybed?
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? no
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? sometimes
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: i have no idea. can't remember any dreams right now
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animal? no
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 2, maybe three depending on the position ;)
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? just on my side. not weird
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? no, thank God
214. Do you snore? nope
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? yep
217. What color is the carpet in your room? blue
218. What's under your bed? the floor and an outlet
. . . N a m 3 G a m 3. . .
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names. . .
299. Jack: 8th grade druggie
300. Tiffany: store
301. Ben: Affleck XD
302. Maria : Por que? - Pablo Francisco
303. Jennifer: cousin
304. Nicole: some kid
305. Aimee: irish step dancer
306. Adam: sami
307. Richard: Dick
308. Justin: Mickey Mouse club
309. Arnold: gov'nor
310. Tom: widen
311. Melissa: for shizzle
312. Charlotte: 's web
313. Harold: "Hey Arnold!"
314. John: Jacob Jingle Himer Shmit
315. Joel: GC
316. Vanessa: Carlton
317. Michelle: Geometry!
318. Kevin: Wright
319. Brett: Cool 7th grader
320. Jake: animorphs XD
321. Billy: my pie pet!
322. Sarah: door man!
323. Natalie: so original and cool
324. Chrissy: pool buddy. thinks i smell good
325. Nick: ghetto kid
326. Linda: church girl
327. Tyler: oliver
328. Jordan: allie's cousin
329. Jamie: swimmer
330. Adrian: YO! ADRIAN!
. . . H a v 3 Y 0 u 3 v e R. . .
331. Mooned anyone? no
332. Been on a diet? no
333. Been to a foreign country? does Canada count? XD
334. Broken a bone? fractured my foot
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? tooth
336. Swear at a teacher? not to their knowledge
337. Talked to an LJ member via e-mails or instant messages? yes
338. Got in a fight? hit someone
339. Dated a teacher? NO!
340. Laughed so hard you peed our pants? nope
341. Thought about killing your enemy? no
342. Gone skinny dipping? no, not yet. ;)
343. Met another LJ member in the flesh? want to
344. Told a little white lie? yeah
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell? might've
346. Used a foreign object to masturbate? no
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? sometimes
348. Been on tv? nope
349. Been on the radio? no
350. Been in a mosh pit? next to it, got pushed
351. Been to a concert? yeah
352. Dated one of your best friend? yes, but we made up after breaking up
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? no
354. Decieved somebody close to you? no
355. Broken the law? might've. don't know
356. Been to a rodeo? no
357. Been on a talk show? nope
358. Been on a game show? no
359. Been on an airplane? yes, many a time
360. Got to ride on a firetruck? nope
361. Came close to dying? no, thankfully
362. Cheated on a bf/gf? nope, been cheated on
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? yeah
364. Terrorized a babysitter? locked one in the bathroom. XD good times
365. Made a mud pie? no
366. Had a dream that you were falling off a cliff? nope
367. Snuck out of the house at night? no, sadly
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? not yet
369. Had an eating disorder? no
370. Felt like you didn't belong? Yeah, all the time
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel? maybe..
372. Smoked? no, never
373. Done drugs? advil, but not excessively or to get high
374. Stolen money from a poor person begging on the street? no XD
375. Had your tonsils removed? nope
376. Gone to camp? Yes
377. Won a belt? no. too bad
378. Written a love letter? haha no
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? probably
380. Written a love poem? hell no
381. Kissed in the rain? no, but now i want to
382. Slow danced with someone you love? yeah
383. Participated in cyber sex? no comment....XD i kid
384. Faked an orgasm? and you want to know because...
385. Stolen a kiss? nope
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? i think so
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? no
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? nope
389. Gotten a speeding ticket? no, can't drive
390. Done jail time? No
391. Had to wear a uniform to school? no, but interesting
392. Won a trophy? yes. pee wee bowling! Go me!
393. Thrown up in public? Yeah on a whale watch
394. Bowled a perfect game? no
395. Failed/got held back? no, thankfully. parents would beat me
396. Got perfect attendance: nope
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds? yes
398. Taken ballet lessons: no
399. Attempted suicide? no
400. Cut yourself? no
. . . R a n D 0 m. . .
401. Do you believe in aliens? i'd like to think there is something out there besides us
402. Name 3 things that are next to your computer: songs, games, porn (haha. no)
403. Do you have any hidden talents? nope
404. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? that would make sense, though...
405. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? sci fi action
406. What would your movie star name be? Senor Nifty Pants
407. Do you play any sports? not school-wise. try to skateboard
408. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? ...they're all too funny though
409. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? napoleon dynamite
410. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? napoleon dynamite
411. Do you drive? no
412. What is your dream car? anything that goes
413. Do you think you're good looking? no
414. Do others think you are good looking? yeah
415. Would you ever sky dive? Hell yes!
416. Do you believe in Bigfoot? no
417. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? 5
418. Are you afraid of roller coasters? no
419. Do you believe in God? nope
420. Do you believe there is a Satan? no
421. Do you believe there is a heaven? no
422. Do you believe there is a hell? no
423. Do you own a pool table? no
424. Do you have a pool? used to
425. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? yes
426. Do you like chocolate? yeah
427. Who/what is on your 2005 calender? comics
428. How many U.S. states have you been to? over 10
429. Ever wished on a shooting star? no
430. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? powwer ranger! Haha
431. Do you carry any weapons on you? nope
432. What is your weakness? sex. xP
433. Name something you can't get enough of: myself (so selfish)
434. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: weird dumb funny
435. How many kids do you want to have? none
436. Future daughters names: ---
437. Future sons name: ---
438. What is your ideal way to die? in the heat of battle
439. How do you release stress? music
440. Are you a trendy person? no
441. Are you an artistic person? no
442. Are you a realistic person? occasionally
443. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off? never
445. Are you a strong person? yes
446. Are you a strong willed person? procratinator here!
447. Who is the last person to e-mail you? miss sauter
448. the last person to IM you? laura
449. Do you hate chain e-mails? yes
450. Are you a deep sleeper? sort of
451. Are you a good story teller? no
452. What do you believe is your best quality? listen more than talk
453. What is your greatest accomplishment? getting through school so far
454. Do you like to burn candles or incense? both at times
455. Do you do yoga? no
456. Do you have your own credit card? no.
457. Let's say you win the lotto. what do you do with the money? save it and get huge intrest
459. Do you have a check book? no
460. Do you like your driver's license picture? don't have one
461. Do you tan easily? no
462. What color is your hair naturally? brown
463. how many fillings do you have? none? a few? not sure...
464. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? none
465. Worst feeling in the world? death
466. Best feeling in the world? death
467. Is the glass half empty or half full? always moderate
468. Last thing you downloaded? yeah yeah yeahs
469. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? no. God no!
470. What do you think people think of you? quiet, "gothic" punk, gay
471. Are you a likeable person? depends on the person
472. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? no
473. Whats the best way to be proposed to? spokent to
474. When are you moving? when i graduate
475. What's your favorite phrase? don't know.