I’m sorry but you have answers 3 question incorrectly. 2 other answer was on the right path but did not give me the correct answer, so I will give you half credit for them. A total of 10 points, out of a possible 14.
I will give the answer in few days, just in case some else would like to take a stab at the questions.
13. When you adjust for inflation, which is worth more?
a) 1908 quarters b) 1963 quarters c) 2000 quarters d) 2007 quarters
This one isn’t clear. If the number in each answer is the amount of quarters, then the answer is d) 2007 quarters. If it’s the date, then it’s none of the above, as inflation doesn’t affect the face value of a coin. However, a quarter dating from 1908 is probably worth much more to a collector.
9.----- The answer should be 12. The teacher asks how many months have 28 days. Well every sinlge month has 28 days or more so the answer should be 12 not none.....
Who Posted this?ray20886April 23 2008, 13:18:47 UTC
I give these answer 13and1/2 of 14. I know, I'm being picky. One of the questions is a 2 part question that neither persons has answered both parts, so I only gave 1/2 credit to that question.
The real question is "Base on the following information, Can you answer this question?" This question only requires a YES or NO answer.
10. Base on the following information, Can you answer this question? You’re the pilot of an airplane that travels form New Your to Chicago - a distance of 800 miles. The Plane travels at 200 MPH and Makes one stop for 30 minutes. What is the pilot’s name?
Comments 11
2. a) Lu
3. glass
4. None of the Above
5. There is an independence day, but it isn't like ours. Since ours is independence from England :-p
6. 9
7. 14 fingernails and 14 toenails
8. 0%
9. none
10. Ryn
11. George Bush
12. 0
13. d) 2007 quarters
14. Quarter and a Nickel
I will give the answer in few days, just in case some else would like to take a stab at the questions.
13. When you adjust for inflation, which is worth more?
a) 1908 quarters b) 1963 quarters c) 2000 quarters d) 2007 quarters
This one isn’t clear. If the number in each answer is the amount of quarters, then the answer is d) 2007 quarters. If it’s the date, then it’s none of the above, as inflation doesn’t affect the face value of a coin. However, a quarter dating from 1908 is probably worth much more to a collector.
According to http://www.Coinflation.com/ the melt values of these coins are:
Year 1908 and Year 1963 Quarters are worth $3.1847 in silver as of today.
Year 2000 and Year 2007 quarters are worth $0.0591628 in metal melt value.
One of the questions is a 2 part question that neither persons has answered both parts, so I only gave 1/2 credit to that question.
10. Base on the following information, Can you answer this question? You’re the pilot of an airplane that travels form New Your to Chicago - a distance of 800 miles. The Plane travels at 200 MPH and Makes one stop for 30 minutes. What is the pilot’s name?
I hope I would know my own name, since I am the pilot. Duh.
u dumbass
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