This icon is from my upcoming batch for Sentient Icons, featuring Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist - my new obsession, hehe :D Click the cut below to get to this tut!
1. Get your base and cut/edit/color/resize it to your liking. I got my base from my set of Chapter 16 icon bases, then colored it using multiply layers. When you have your base, you can get onto the next step.
2. I got a flowery texture from cdg and pasted it on multiply, 100%
3. I then added a texture by VanillaShimmer (search on dA), set on multiply, 100%
This sucks, because it's covering Roy's face! So, I moved Roy down a little!
4. To finish the icon (because it looked bare 0_0) I added an brush from amethystia100 and put it on white.
And there you have it! I would love to see what you guys make <3 ^^
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