The simple things in life always change, we see people we lose sight of people and we continue on our life with other people, it is amazing though how we lose sight of ourselves in chaos, or chaos invades our breath and our life. Where does chaos come and where does it go, where will it leave us, so many thoguhts i think per second it is amazing i still breathe, but do i breathe for the greater good of my life or do i fall in the endless cycle of babbling nonsense i project. What in our life is really real, and what in our life is worth keeping, so many mysteries and so many thoughts, does anyone even care anymore, On the most part I say no. Because it is much easier to care for one self than it is to care for others, as my dying breed of people who care for others slowly diminishes with each passing year I think, is it all worth it, Am i but another useless cycle in this world who chose moral obligation over happiness. The point is always clouded but is the point always the most valid point to pursue, makes me wonder do i push myself to the most to keep in touch with people i know or do i feel the time is not something i can afford, time is short but who do i dedicate my time to, in this life am i not valued for at least some measure of happiness. No, the answer will always be no necause i will always leave that happiness, what is worth living really if i am truely happy, everything of course, but does that mean i wish to continue on that journey without a pause or second thought. Well I haven't decided, after all who really knows everything, i like to think i am some sort of thinker but who cares, so I will make the effort and say hello to all my friends, and i wish you the best,