CreativeXMinds: hey
MikeCDarling: hey big man
MikeCDarling: how are things eh
CreativeXMinds: i have some bad news
MikeCDarling: what?
CreativeXMinds: well, it might be bad
CreativeXMinds: im not sure how your going to take it
MikeCDarling: i will take it fine
MikeCDarling: :P
MikeCDarling: unless you died, then i would be somewhat remorsful about 5 minutes of uncontrable crying
CreativeXMinds: simply put, your not really qualified to be a co-owner of creative minds, i want you to be on the team but i cant gaurentee you will be paid, you will still be an adminstrator and be listed as a co-foundeer
MikeCDarling: meh whatever
MikeCDarling: I knew i shoulda took creative design and programing
MikeCDarling: oh well
CreativeXMinds: because i am hiring two coders, and if your also on, that would be like 20% each
CreativeXMinds: i mean what exactly can you offer besides advice?
CreativeXMinds: i mean you will still be on the team, but i cant pay you
MikeCDarling: oh i understand it
CreativeXMinds: unless you contribute something hard
MikeCDarling: not only am i the english expert but i am the main writer
CreativeXMinds: it will be exactly how it is now
CreativeXMinds: yea
MikeCDarling: :P whatever
MikeCDarling: this is what happens when you do not following coding, the big boys take over
MikeCDarling: but honestly i could care less
CreativeXMinds: if we get big enough we could probably pay you as a PR guy
CreativeXMinds: because you have the charisma
MikeCDarling: dude dont worry about it
MikeCDarling: :P
MikeCDarling: if yer gonna cut me, cut me
MikeCDarling: i am not big on caring about money anyway
CreativeXMinds: im not cutting you- you just wont be an owner
CreativeXMinds: thing is dude, i dont care about money either but i need food on the table you know
CreativeXMinds: i need enough to live off of
MikeCDarling: lol ;-) i been living on my own for years
MikeCDarling: and i go to college
MikeCDarling: i know about that
MikeCDarling: but
MikeCDarling: now is when i actually speak my mind,
CreativeXMinds: hehe
MikeCDarling: You see I was the one who actually sparked this, contributed the most, brought the people, approved designed, tried my best to help and test, :P so i do not know everything like php coding, i gave up on coding 8 years ago, and webside design 7, i have a class in a year on it though arrghhh, but anyways i do not care about the money, but it will be a slap in the face if i am dethroned from it all
MikeCDarling: I only suggested the money at the start, before you actually nodded to pay for web hosting
MikeCDarling: and services
MikeCDarling: i didnt care when you didnt want to show me how to do this and that to help it all run
CreativeXMinds: dude
MikeCDarling: but then again, it was your show because you wanted it that way
MikeCDarling: :P dont dude
CreativeXMinds: your not going to be dethroned at all
CreativeXMinds: look- it will be the exact same thing it is now
CreativeXMinds: you just wont OWN the company
MikeCDarling: I see, so i am cut
MikeCDarling: :P double negative
CreativeXMinds: ok if you go to do you see the gamespy execs on the site?
CreativeXMinds: no you see the guys who run it
CreativeXMinds: you would be running the site/representing the site
CreativeXMinds: but why should you own it man?
MikeCDarling: meh whatever man, :P hard to actually talk to you sometimes
MikeCDarling: yeah yeah, team member
MikeCDarling: i accept it
CreativeXMinds: dont get me wrong, we sort of made this decision 3 weeks ago, me and the coders and i have been struggling with it
CreativeXMinds: i know we originally went in together
CreativeXMinds: and it was our idea
CreativeXMinds: and i still want you to have creative influence on the site
CreativeXMinds: and make executive calls
MikeCDarling: but money is the decides things
MikeCDarling: i know how capitalism works in the united states
MikeCDarling: :P
MikeCDarling: i studied it
MikeCDarling: dude look it is all good,
MikeCDarling: next time just tell me straight up
CreativeXMinds: i am
MikeCDarling: 3 weeks ago
CreativeXMinds: well i was'nt sure if i was going to do it
MikeCDarling: do not be "for" sure
MikeCDarling: be 100 per cent
MikeCDarling: if something like that comes up, i know you will do it
MikeCDarling: it is just the obvious decision
CreativeXMinds: its logical but its also not very passionate
MikeCDarling: I do not have the same technical skills as these guys
MikeCDarling: so its understandable
CreativeXMinds: well i feel like shit now
CreativeXMinds: because i know it was oriignally our idea
CreativeXMinds: thats why i still want you to have a very heavy say on what happens
CreativeXMinds: and be involved
MikeCDarling: dude :P dont worry about it
MikeCDarling: not much to talk about
MikeCDarling: it was a fair vote as you say
MikeCDarling: i am a democractic believer
MikeCDarling: although i prefer socialism
CreativeXMinds: ok we will do it like this
MikeCDarling: no
CreativeXMinds: if you can give me a valid reason why you deserve a equal cut, i will give you it
MikeCDarling: we will do it like you said
MikeCDarling: A decision was made
MikeCDarling: final
MikeCDarling: i believe in that
CreativeXMinds: ok just dont be pissed at me
MikeCDarling: as i said it is only princible i felt i should have ownership status but when it comes to technical skills and making money
MikeCDarling: i am only interested in the writing
MikeCDarling: and the greatness it can be
MikeCDarling: I was never pissed,
MikeCDarling: more.. annoyed
MikeCDarling: but meh,
MikeCDarling: i will wake up beside a pretty lady tomorrow
MikeCDarling: and not care
CreativeXMinds: hehe
MikeCDarling: because this is the decision
MikeCDarling: although it shoulda been told to me when it was brought up
CreativeXMinds: well... i was'nt sure if i was going to go along with it
CreativeXMinds: if the money was gaurenteed i wouldnt care
CreativeXMinds: but its not
CreativeXMinds: so the larger cut per person the better, the other 2 dudes working are essential, i couldnt do anything without them
MikeCDarling: stop trying to raise reasons
MikeCDarling: like i said :P clearly put out fine whatever
MikeCDarling: i would rather of been told when this was brought up
MikeCDarling: since as i recall i was an equal share owner back then
CreativeXMinds: yea
MikeCDarling: and it just has a mutany ring to it
MikeCDarling: at least i wasnt thrown overboard
CreativeXMinds: well your still going to be a co-founder etc
CreativeXMinds: and have creative influence
CreativeXMinds: so you did'nt really lose anything
CreativeXMinds: you just did'nt gain anything
CreativeXMinds: we were at the drawing board back then
MikeCDarling: :P excuses
MikeCDarling: well let us hope i do not get usurped anymore
CreativeXMinds: lol i dont see why you would need to be removed from the team