Hank our new but emaciated dog brought a particular uniqueness to our lives. There’s been an adjustment made on his account, I have to admit.
One, for an example, I had to explain - practically apologize - to him about our Houston roads as he is jostled from side to side in the cab of my truck on our way to the vet. Second, I’m coercing him into the vet with kind words instead of my usual shove with my foot and the tugging of the leash. Third, and more precise to the meaning of adjustment, I’m carrying his pee in a specimen cup the next day because yesterday he would not go for the lab tech.
I’ve become a dispatch rider for dog pee. Where my cup of coffee would sit in the cup holder, I have a cup of pee instead. Thank God for Press and Seal Saran Wrap; the techs didn’t give me a cap for the specimen cup. The jerks.
After dropping off the pee I resumed my journey to work, only to discover that the thermos of coffee that my wife packed in my satchel, leaked. The bottom of my satchel was saturated. Thank the God who was watching out for me prevented my laptop from damage. My truck smells like coffee, which isn’t a bad thing. But the best Balinese coffee I ever tasted was on the floor of my truck and trapped in the fabric of my satchel.
That is how I started my Wednesday.
I am looking forward to Friday, though. Flex day. The weather is nicer. I may start a new magic ritual that is supposed to take place outdoors. October is almost here, and I tend to notice more spooky crap around that time. Time to curtail their mischief a notch.
Funny, now that I mention magic rituals, I noticed after having started one last month, work-related issues have become more tolerable (they were horrid since July). And my quick to anger response to just about anything is not as swift as it once was. I’m no saint, but shit, it’s a lot better than it once was.