I will call this as the title suggests, Spooky Event #1 for 2006. As I mentioned in my last entry, I intend to start a new magic ritual starting tomorrow to curtail future supernatural mischief that accentuates this time of the year for us. As if on cue, the first weird anomaly happened a little after midnight.
I woke with the urge to pee - which that is not the supernatural event I’m getting to. Bear with me. But it was the kind of urge where I wake up, evaluate the pressure, then determine “can this wait another half hour,” or “do I have to get up now?” It was the former, and I made the decision with my eyes closed
Halfway between wake and sleep I noticed a conversation taking place. It wasn’t my wife and it surely wasn’t me. It was a male’s voice that I was hearing, somewhat nasally, gravelly, and stern. A part of me, the dreaming part seemed to almost understand it. The “me” part, the amalgamation of my life’s experience and learning didn’t understand a damn thing he was saying. I opened my eyes, looked at the ceiling and noticed a green light cast on it. The best way I can describe this light was night rain spattering on a glass window, and a street light projecting its image on the ceiling. Except this projected image was green, and it was speaking.
I closed my eyes. The voice almost lulled me back to sleep. I forced them open again. The light was gone, as was the voice.
How did I feel? I wasn’t afraid. There was something familiar, but I couldn’t recall the last time I encountered that voice.
Yep. First spooky of the season, I’m afraid. Though I have to admit, last night’s was the weirdest. Granted, you have the typical ghosts, the knocking over of objects, occasional voices, the unexpected touches from unknown sources. You get the picture. But a light that made me think of reflections of rain off a window pane? Green light? A voice that sounded familiar but unintelligible? Aliens? I think not. Ghosts? I never heard of that kind of phenomenon.
The ritual I will be doing will enable me to tone down the tomfoolery, but at the same time, make peace with the unseen world. I’ll have to do a little wait and see to determine how well that goes.