What a week!
First, I return from my very relaxing vacation and discovered that my boss for reasons unknown, had rummaged through my desk during my absence; I don’t know what she was originally looking for - a pen, spare change, or the secret of immortality - who knows? But according to her she had a question about a particular paid invoice, and she wanted to find a copy of it on my desk. But that search lead to what she claimed were job infractions - like, “why were those deleted security badges on the right drawer when they should have been in the left drawer of your desk?” or why weren’t those invoices that arrived five minutes before you left for vacation weren’t coded and delivered to accounts payable” (even though it was after 5:30 p.m., accounting’s closed, and she knows fully well how to code them herself if they were so vitally important that they couldn’t wait five days till my return). In the past she’s had invoices sitting on her desk for weeks, even months, because processing them wasn’t as important as her doing her side business on her second laptop, or spend hours working on a scathing email to an unfortunate vendor or accounting manager.
But she officially reprimanded me with bogus accusations like I don’t communicate to her about pending projects? What projects? We have no projects, therefore there’s nothing pending, you miserable lunkhead. For a year now, her workload has lightened because I now do her job that ranges from processing invoices, logging them, to allocating them to the proper departments. In addition to that I do my regular facilities responsibilities. I do 9 to 10 hour work days, while she “struggles” with five…that is if she doesn’t have a two hour “errand” to run.
Yep, I am so out of there. Resume’ ready and at hand.
The other incident, my doctor says I have Type 2 Diabetes! Holy shit! There were no symptoms, but apparently my pee is fortified by excess sweetness. I’d hate to have that lab job testing for high-glucose pee-pee.
Now I prick my finger three times a day to check my glucose level, which isn’t too bad. I kind of made it into a game to see if I made my sugar go down or not that day, and by how much.
My wife and I started Tai Chi last night. We learned a couple of simple moves, but by simple I mean simple for the teacher, frustrating for me. There are 78 moves, if I’m not mistaken. I think we learned one or two, not including the warm up exercises. Learning Tai Chi, I have to admit was a great diversion to an otherwise feet-sweeping week.
I’m also glad I’m married to the wife that I have. She is my rock.