I can't believe I'm doing this ...
holiday - one person sick
greeting card
wedding - shower
long walk on the beach
love letter
cuddling while sick
anniversary - one partner sick
first holiday together
New Year celebration
proposal - public place
love song
“I love you” - first
gift giving
long-lost love
cooking together
cuddling baby - setting up nursery nightmares
anniversary - perfect gift
playing matchmaker
Fantasy & Supernatural: Werewolves
Other: Crossover
Other: Steampunk
Other: Evil Goateed Universe
Future: Dystopia
Other: Military
Alternate History: Personal life of a character changed
Fantasy & Supernatural: Author's Choice
(Witches and Wizards)
Historical: Author’s Choice
Fantasy & Supernatural: Ghosts
Historical: World War II
Alternate History: Author’s Choice
Other: AnimalAlternate History: Someone never died
Other: Mundane
Fantasy & Supernatural: Sword and Sorcery
Future: Cyberpunk
Alternate History: Major historical event changed
Historical: 1920's
Future: In Space!!!
Other: Disney
Other: Celebrities
Future: Author's Choice
Other: Sports
Fantasy & Supernatural: The Afterlife