I just had a thought that occurred to me after I looked in fchan's 420/drug thread (in the alternative[hard] section, most of which I don't peruse; /m, /a and /dis are my most frequent destinations) last night:
Generally, sexual acts and displays look more appealing to me in still art (anything that is drawn or modeled for unipositional display, usually in .jpg and .png) than they do in moving art (video, animation, .flv/.swf, .mov, etc.); however, displays of acts which involve drugs, particularly the smoking of cannabis/weed, usually look more appealing to me in moving art than they do in still art.
I think I have this position about multimedia because while sex is something that is 1) easier to draw and 2) usually depicted in artistic form during the short orgasmic climax and only to engender that sort of climax in the viewer, cannabis intake is something that is meant to result in a long, drawn out high, one which is then explored and exploited by the smoker to as much of an extent as possible.
Plus, the orgasm, which is the point in time most depicted in erotic still art, is short and unsatisfying, follows a very long build-up of sweat and strenuous, blood-rushing activity, and usually only leaves such sweat and sore organs in its wake as its only evidence of presence; the high from cannabis, on the other hand, usually comes from the sudden intake from a bong, followed by the ensuing headache and choking, but actually lasts longer than the orgasm and gives a few minutes of distorted cognitive perspective to the smoker.
Thus, when the high comes, time is afforded to the smoker to see the world around the smoker distorted and "wierded out", even though the smoker's own perception of the world is wierded out and depresses the smoker's own reaction to the world. This means that things go on around the smoker during the high, and the smoker sees their occurences; compare this to the orgasm that only lasts for mere seconds.
Thus, what sentiments and perceptions that still depictions of cannabis intake cannot afford due to their brevity, the moving depiction of the same can and have: the high, what the smoker sees during the high, how the smoker sees such things during the high, what the smoker does during the high, etc.
So I look forward to a future subfandom around furry stoner animations and films, ones in which the anthropomorphic stoner's very fictional species is created around the fact that she is a stoner and an avid weedhead or LSD fan or shroom conoisseur.
Plus, I have to think of prototype terms that can be used within, and are endemic to this subfandom of furry drugging, similar to how the term "
yiff" is mostly synonymous with furry sex.