Title: Sight
Fandom: Firefly
Disclaimer: Not mine
Pairing: Rayne
Author's Note: I kept meaning to write for this meme, but I've had writer's block and had trouble writing it. Apparently, I was writing from the wrong perspective. This was Jayne's song, funny as that might sound....
Song used: Suddenly I see, by KT Tunstall
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There were a lot of things in life that Jayne Cobb did not understand. He was well aware of it, accepted it as one of his faults. He knew there were subtleties, games being played onboard that he didn’t understand. Didn’t want to understand.
And so when the women of the ship started giving him sly glances, giggling behind their hands, he growled. When River walked by, serene but for a slanted glance at him, he grunted. When Mal tried to give him some speech go se about respectin’ boundaries, not hurtin’ no one-he was paid to hurt people, so he weren’t sure what kinda drugs Mal was on-and keeping people happy, well, he fair shouted back at Mal and stomped away.
When Simon stopped talking to him, he promptly refused to talk to Simon. Or look at him.
And when River started smiling at him, he frowned. He was surely missing something. The entire ship was in on it. He started taking apart his bed and putting it back together before going to sleep every night, waiting to eat until he saw everyone eat some of the same first, double checking where he sat to make sure of no loose screws in the seat and a whole host of other things.
He weren’t no fool. And all the while, he kept an eye on River, on her long hair tied up as she danced across the hold, on the way she delicately knocked someone out in a bar fight, listened to her as she spoke, tryin’ to make sense of the words that came outta her mouth. She was his partner an’ if he wanted to stay alive-which he did-he’d best get to know her. Even if she was a moonbrain child, she was a genius moonbrain child who knew how to kill someone with her pinky finger. Which was somethin’ he could respect an’ admire.
So when River herself finally turned to him after a job gone sour and said something he didn’t understand, he became concerned. Usually it was quite easy to understand what she said. After all, they’d been partners fer a while. And when he asked what she meant, well, she’d shaken her head, taken off with a run and for the next three days he’d seen not a wisp of her hair, nor heel of her foot. When he asked Simon, the man gave him a weird look and said he’d just seen River not twenty minutes ago.
He had wondered, wondered how the moonbrain could possibly hide on this tiny ship. And then he’d remembered, remembered that this was River he was thinking on. And as he sat on one of the couches in the dining area, well, he’d had time to think. And think he had, much as he didn’t like it.
Suddenly, he saw. He didn’t like it, didn’t like that he’d gone and done something so incredibly stupid, but he accepted it.
And while he was sitting there, contemplating what an idiot he’d been to go do something like that, River re-appeared.
She’d told him in no uncertain terms that it weren’t stupid, that it was right. That she accepted it freely if he would accept hers freely. He didn’t know how she’d known to reappear like that. Come out of the heating ducts or some such. But he’d listened. And he figured she was a genius, so goin’ along with one o’ her plans would probably give him a better chance on survivin’ an’ bein’ happy than any o’ his own.
So when she sat down next to him, tossing her legs over his and resting her little head on his shoulder, not hardly weighing a thing, he didn’t shove her away. Instead, he put an arm around her thin shoulders, declaring her his for all the world-well, all the ship-to see. And when Simon walked in later, he blinked but didn’t say anything, just burned his protein and left, headed for the engine room.
He felt the years of loneliness and tension start to unfold in his stomach, drifting quietly away as he saw Simon’s quiet acceptance of this new fact.
Jayne Cobb loved River Tam.