After I got my new computer last weekend, I decided that, since it's a gaming computer, it's obligatory to play games on it. Therefore, I went hunting for a new game that I couldn't get for my PS3 but wasn't old and wouldn't use my computer's abilities. While I was expecting to end up with something like Left4Dead or basically anything only for PC and XBOX360, I ended up stumbling upon
The Path. It kind of reminded me of American McGee's Alice with the revamping of an old fairy tale and turning it into a game, so I spent the $10 and downloaded it.
While it is nowhere near the caliber of a highly funded corporate game, it is very fun and can enrapture me for hours. That being said, since it is a lower budget independent game, it also has some glitches. If there are glitches, I will stumble upon them, just ask
nekogonya . OH, one thing I really really like is the fact that you can just press P to take a screenshot and it automatically saves it as a jpg in your documents. It makes quick capturing very easy, and some of those moment will help as I go through my experiences.
At first, I just tried staying on the path the entire way like it tells you to and going straight to grandmother's house as Scarlet.
I got that. A black screen with noise. It glitched and I had to restart the game.
After that I decided to try playing with Ruby. For her, I strayed off the path as the player is supposed to, but by chance I met her wolf before I could do much exploring.
Seems like prince charming to me, right?
They have a lovely time and it definitely implies that they get a little more "intimate" after the screen goes black, then you see Ruby's aftermath...
Unfortunately I didn't have the good sense to take pictures while she was in the house, which was all sorts of trippy. It turns out that after a sister meets her wolf and goes in the house, when you go back to the menu screen, she is no longer a character you can choose. If the sister gets to the house after exploring the woods and not meeting the wolf (a little girl in white can also lead her to the path), she is still a playable character after the level is completed, and you get to keep all the items you found with her, even though the mission is "failed".
Anyway, I did a lot better with Robin, the youngest sister and the closest to our modern image of Little Red Riding Hood. She believes that anything that looks like a wolf is normal, and bad werewolves take the form of humans, as was Ruby's case. Of course, her werewolf takes the form of a wolf that walks on its hind legs, so she finds it perfectly acceptable.
PLaying in an open grave while a creepy wolf awaits you. That sounds like a good idea to me. By the way, in game, the noises in this area were just horrible (in a good atmospheric way).
I'd kill this little bitch too! All of a sudden she just climbs on its back and goes for a ride. I have to admit, all the creepiness left when I imagined a Chris Rock voice screaming, "LEFT, NIGGA, LEFT!!!!!"
I've played through all but one of the sisters at this point (although I still haven't found Scarlet's wolf). I'm not sure what happens when you play through all of them. I'm assuming you just go back to the beginning. Out of all the ones I've played so far, Ginger is the only one I had the good sense to take pictures inside the grandmother's house with.
I'm not sure if she's crawling on the floor here or everything is just really big
An explosion of feathers.
It's kind of hard to capture the game atmosphere in a picture since there is not one moment where something isn't moving on your screen. The only HUD is swirly things and scribbled pictures framing the game screen that constantly move and reform. The sounds also make a huge impact. Here are some random pictures that at least caught a bit of the mood.
This is the girl in the white dress that can "save" you from your wolf. It also shows a bit of the HUD I spoke of. It's actually weird that none of the others do... Scarlet, shown above, is the only one that I can't for the life of me find her wolf. I've played her twice and still haven't found it. If you're interested but haven't gone to the site, here's a trailor:
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The PATH ----- Launch Trailer from
Tale of Tales on