Skimmed through 4th ed.
First off - the combat system has changed more from 3.5 to 4th ed than it did from 1st edition through to 3.5.
It's somewhat odd, and from the looks of things will be horrid to manage without a deck of cards to flip over to keep track of "Power" use, since all classes have been converted to resemble the Book of Nine Swords.
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Comments 6
I actively avoided listening to or reading the online discussion arguements about 4th ed and decided to reserve judgement until I could see the book.
And I reiterate: Wizards of the Coast, WTF?
Also, Angels may come to kill you for any reason ranging from they're evil and bored to it being your god's way of telling you that your last performance review said "Needs improvement"
Essentially all story telling qualities of the game are now completely unrelated to the mechanics.
1st Ed - Welcome Monks!
2nd Ed - Monks... there were never any monks...
3rd Ed - Welcome back Monks!
4th Ed - Fuck off Monks! Back in the hole!
All the powers etc were all in the promises that were making power gamers ejaculate in their pants and the rest of players start considering switching to WoW (where at least people RP in between grinds) or Conan MMORPG (where you can see boobies).
The removing gnomes and replacing them with Tieflings was so absurd even Wizards was mocking it. At least I think they knew they were mocking it.
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