I hear a lot of people complain about how they don't want to go to a particular classes because they will never use that information. I can certainly see it in some cases. Why would anyone want to waste their time? Usually I justify it that knowledge is power... and it's good to learn anything, but sometimes I feel the way they do too. However
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Comments 14
The only thing I have to say about it is that an artist tends to create their own moral universe. Her artwork is thought provoking, and she's doing her job as an artist. I don't condone killing animals to get some good photos but nothing would stop me from taking a picture of a dead cat in the street and putting it in a gallery if I were a photographer. It's wrong to kill animals for no reason but millions of people have no problem with it, half the people that would buy her art would be wearing an assortment of leather and fur and eating prime rib.
Her art is very provocative and I'm glad that she's doing it.
A lot of people might be disturbed by it, but that's good. It can raise their conciousness and force them to think about the value of animal life.
I think that her intention is to create and show us things that we'd never thought about before. And what she's doing is pretty intense at this time, because of the contraversy.
Some animals die in the process but they aren't forgotten, they're immortalized in her art, which is beautiful even though it's morbid.
Her art is undoubtedly made very carefully and probably a very spiritual process. I think that she's a genius because of the questions we ask ourselves when we see her art. I think art that shocks people and makes them wonder why anyone would...is the most powerful art.
Shame about the animals, but all the same we only care about them after their dead, just like artists.
Is she truly making a worthwhile statement by killing these animals? Is anyone's life improved by her slaughtering these creatures remorselessly and mounting them on a stage? What is to stop her from killing humans and doing the same? I don't feel death is bad, and if these were naturally dead animals, I wouldn't be offended or opposed to such an action, because at least she isn't killing them uselessly.
Anyway that's my two cents.
Kay, I could rant forever about first hand experiences with people that work for PETA. But I will just say people that are extremists lack balance.
While they focus on something very humane, they often center their lives around it and mostly associate themselves with people that are tolerant of their beliefs. They are often one-sided and like to call this one sided behavior "open minded".
Extremists in my opinion are not very balanced and often become self righteous which isn't so mentally stable either.
My god! Wow!
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