achey hurt - graphic as hell.

Jul 06, 2010 23:38

 ugh my heart hurts. 
Sometimes my job kills me.

So it happened last night, I didn't have a cat that was hit by a car. It was the first time in weeks that I wasn't subjected to that - but instead I saw the most horrific injury I'd ever seen in my entire life. I couldn't even believe the cat was still alive. Now, you could say it was "an accident" -- but my mind knows better. This cat's face was BLOWN ENTIRELY OFF with what was likely a firework. There was no jaw, no nose - just this giant gaping hole- no teeth... just a hole that every so often a makeshit part of a tongue would appear to try to lick the air. The cat must have been injured for a couple days, as the maggots moved in and ate out this cats eyes. So there it was - this faceless, eyeless cat - it's head being eaten by maggots.... Still sitting there quite alive. I was shocked. I was disgusted. I was upset.
The techs said it was the most horrific thing they'd ever seen too... I believe it. I can't even imagine the PAIN this animal was in. It's skull was showing in parts- like where it's nasal cavity would have been. I cannot express how horrible this was... I cannot describe it in mere words. It was unlike anything - as if it came straight out of a horror movie. 
Of course the cat was immediately put to sleep. It was a female cat- thought to be about 6 months old.
Just a baby.
She was black with bits of white.
This poor faceless, nameless kitty...  this poor defenseless creature.
There is no doubt it was the work of people in my opinion.
I was cynical and harsh before I started this job- I am probably 10 times worse now.
I wasn't too fond of humans before, now I find more and more reasons everyday to not like them.
Who could have done something like this?!  
Its so horrible.

Sorry to disgust anyone - I tried to put up a fair warning. 
I just can't get over it.
I just cannot heal fast enough from that vision.

RIP nameless kitty.
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