Thoughts on neocitrine

Feb 22, 2007 15:55

Disclaimer: The following has been written under the influence of NeoCitrine. Don't expect it to make much sense.

Sadly, I seem to have the plague again. I've been getting pretty good rest though, aside from the mid-term I had to write today. I had thought that I did fairly well on it, all things considered. The only problem I had was getting back my other essay. It was my 2nd essay that I've written since I got out of high school (being in sciences and languages, I never had to worry about it) so I'm not expecting it to be a masterpiece. Of course I come across the same problem that I've had in the past. My ideas are wrong. The concept of ideas being absolutely right or wrong seems kind of absurd to me. I know I have a different way of thinking and so when I have an idea, I explain it. Sadly, that doesn't work on the teachers who believe that there can be only one way to read into things. So my English teachers either love my writing or hate it. The worst part is that my teacher didn't even tell me how I was wrong, just that I took the wrong meaning from it. The funny thing is that these "deeper meanings" aren't always meant by the author to begin with. It's always been that way.

This is where I ramble on more so feel free to duck out now...
I hate society's tendencies to neatly categorize things under different labels, good and evil, right and wrong. I suppose part of it is for simplicities sake. If we were vague about everything then communication would be difficult. And we all have our internal values and ideas. Though I've come across other languages which seem much better at describing exactly what they mean. German, for example, is fantastic for describing your state of being. Russian, on the otherhand, is excellent for describing what you are doing. It gives you a neat insight into what values the culture had/has. English sometimes seems so minimalistic and disjointed. Oh I know that the words are out there, but your average person doesn't know what they are anymore. I know a lot of the people I know forget that we are not the standard. I hated standard deviantion...That's my problem with sciences. There's all these rules which they'll get mad if you challenge, but the rules will change in 5 years when the obvious flaws in their current understandings can't be overlooked anymore. Each idea that comes is better than before and each time it seems that so many in the scientific community just sit back and go "This is it. We've done it." That's what science is all about, looking for teh ultimate truth. But it's more like looking for the end of the world and travelling only to find out that you are back where you started. We change. The world changes. Why should we not expect the universe to change as well? Sure, our rules we have are close enough. And knowing that helps in solving all sorts of problems. I'm certainly not saying that research is futile or not necessary. I just think that the "ultimate truth" isn't something that we can just put down on paper. I'm not even saying it's unattainable. I just think that if you have the "ultimate truth", understanding how life and the universe work, you would move beyond all of the things that we seem to think are important. What that means, who knows. Maybe you transcend, maybe you die. I've always found the connection between religion and science to be highly amusing. Religion was actually the reason I went to science, though that's a long story. Both religion and science have their lists of rules, which change over time (really they do...religion tries to stay as stagnant as possible, but lookg back onto the way each religion was practiced a thousand years ago and compare that to today). Both expect people to blindly believe, though if you mostly believe and your ideas are good enough you can branch off. And who knows, they might eventually come around to your way of thinking. Take Darwinism for example. A lot of people really believe in it. I think his ideas on speciation and mutation are quite interesting as well. But even as it is now, there are still those who will oppose it. That's definitely something that science and religion have in common, squabbling. Hehe, I love that word...squabble.
Something random: My favourite word is Juxtaposition
I feel like my brain is floating. "Do not operate heavy machinery" I always think of a little kid hopping into an excavator and breaking fences. Oh yeah, I'm in a weird state. Speaking of weird states I've been thinking about drugs these days. The thing is, people are going to use them whether they are illegal or not. I am mostly for the legalization of some drugs. Honestly, it would be safer for them to be able to regulate it, but also it's a lot easier to help people who have problems when it's not something illegal that they've been doing. Take alcohol for example. It's easier for the government to control what is going into it and also...lost that thought and it's not coming back...It can be argued though that alcohol is too readily available and there are certainly a lot of people with drinking problems, but you don't have to worry about what's in the alcohol that you buy from the store. So many drugs these days have other things in them as well...
Heh, I probably sound like an idiot by now...did I mention that my brain is not working? I don't tend to like to take the non-drowsy medication. I find I just get hyperactive and then crash. I like this stuff though. I try not to take it unless I need it though. I figured not dying during my midterm was a good idea.
Maybe I'm just fated to be sick for Keikon every year :P

Also, I seem to have lost my phone, so if you need to reach me, email me (don't use my shaw email...I only check those every few months)
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