dear yuletide writer 2010

Nov 19, 2010 23:47

Dear Yuletide Writer-Type Person:

First and most important: thank you. yuletide is wonderful, and you're wonderful for being a part of it.

And now, the (optional) details part

All of my requests are gen, but I'm fine with slash (both of the girl & boy varieties), het, threesomes, moresomes, whatever. Seriously. Knock yourself out. I just ask that you please make any on-screen sex consensual & incest-free (non-con squicks me).

I dislike stereotyping, misogyny, ablelist language, and character bashing for the sake of character bashing. I like it when writers are respectful of characters' cultural backgrounds and identities. Please try to avoid describing people using food terms (e.g. mocha or milky skin, chocolate eyes, etc.) There's an interesting discussion on ways of describing characters of color without using food here if you're interested.

I like everything from super-angst to crack and all points in between. I like stories that focus on a character's inner-life, and I like when stories deal primarily with external adventures. Carefully plotted, involved stories are fun. So's PWP. AUs rock, as do strictly canon-focused stories. Metafic makes me cry with joy.

Basically, I love fan fiction. I like that we as fans can take these things we enjoy and make something new with them instead of being passive consumers. I also find it fascinating to see other people's takes on the same material and characters--where they match up with mine or diverge. You rock for writing this stuff. I'm thrilled at the idea of someone writing something for me, and I'll be happy with whatever you come up with.

notes about the requested fandoms

Cory Doctorow's Little Brother

Characters: Jose-Luis Torrez/Vanessa Pak

RequestDetail1: I want to know what happened with Vanessa and/or Jose-Luis during or after the events of the book, especially after their breaks from Marcus.

I enjoyed the hell out of this book, especially the politics & the tech how-tos (seriously. In many ways it's a 'Net security/personal privacy instruction manual), but I thought only part of the story was told. This is to be expected in any story told in the first person, and it's not a criticism of the book. It's an opportunity, which is why I requested stories from the perspectives of some of my favorite characters who have different points of view than Marcus when it comes to the events of the book but are equally invested.

Note: If you have my Little Brother prompt, my guess is that you've already read it. Just in case you need it, however, it's available here in several digital formats:

Batman Beyond

Character: Maxine Gibson

Request Detail: Max please!

I am so excited Batman Beyond is a yuletide fandom again, you don't even know. Like, over the moon excited, to the point where I will be happy with *anything*, I kid you not. If you're looking for a prompt to work with, I'd love a story about Max when she's in her mid-twenties or later. What is her life like? I have this vision of her working with Terry's Batman after Bruce Wayne dies. But maybe she doesn't. Does she stay in Gotham? What's her profession? Anything Max-centered would make my Yuletide :-D (bonus points if you include Dick Grayson).

Push (2009)

Characters: Hook Waters, Emily Hu

Request Detail: Backstory or after the movie for one or both characters.

I liked the setup of Push, but I had issues with the execution. Basically, I felt like the characters I was most interested in were pushed (heh) to the background. So I'd like a story where one or both of them are in the foreground. I wasn't all that interested in Nick or Kira, so I'd be fine with a story that didn't include them at all. Cassie's cool, though.


Characters: Astrid Farnsworth, Alternate Astrid

I love Astrid. I'm so excited that Fringe is still eligible for yuletide this year, because now we have ALTERNATE ASTRID WHOM I MAY LOVE EVEN MORE!!!! (sorry for the caps lock there). I love analyst alt-Astrid. I also love pianist, cryptographer prime-Astrid. Pick one or the other or both, as long as the story's Astrid-centered (it could be fun if they somehow met). What's Astrid's home life like? How does she process and decompress after a long day working with (either) Fringe Division? Remember Amy Jessup who showed up for like two episodes? I totally shipped her with Astrid, so if you want to write something along those lines, I would not object (though I'm really flexible with ships. I don't like Astrid/Walter, though). Really, anything Astrid-centric works.

I never know if it's better to write something along the lines of, "Dude. Don't worry. It'll be awesome," or to ramble on like above. If you wanted input, then I hope this letter helped. If you didn't, skip it. But really, don't worry. It'll be awesome.

Again, thank you :-)

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