American Idol/America's Next Top Model/Jimmy Eat World Concert

Apr 28, 2005 06:18

I am very shocked about last nights results on American Idol. I did not get to watch either show listed above because I was at the Jimmy Eat World concert last night (more to come on that later). I did get to see AI when I got home and Ben told me who went home on ANTM.

I am really sad to see Constantine go. I do not think that he deserved to go at this time. He was not one of the weakest performances in my opinion. Anthony and Scott really need to go next. This will not be the last we hear from Constantine though.

I am sad to hear that Michelle went home on ANTM. I have not got to see the show yet but I really liked her because she was bi and b/c she usually had great photos. :(

I would just like to say that JIMMY EAT WORLD was great last night. I loved them so much. I stood during most of their songs and danced along and had a great time. I would like to thank my great friends Bridgett and Destiney for also standing and dancing like I do. I just think that if you really like a band that is something that you do. If you don't want to it's cool and I am not going to make you but it just made me feel better that I wasn't the only one out of our group really showing that I was having a great time.

Jimmy Eat World really is great live. I would go and see them again in a heartbeat. Taking Back Sunday was also good. The lead singer is really entertaining to watch and has a really good voice. I wouldn't mind seeing them again sometime also.

UCA didn't do a good job getting people through the metal detectors this year and we ended up missing some of the first band. Actually I think we got to hear the last two songs by the time we got in and got seated. From what I heard from the Format I really thought they sounded good.

Anyway I am really tired this morning b/c I got like 5 hours sleep but I will survive. Off to shower and then to work to start my interview process to get someone hired in to take my case managers place.

HUGS to all.

until then,

Rob ;)
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