[+] Basics [+]
Name - Ryan
Age - 15
Sexuality - Queer as Fuck
Location - Temple Terrace Florida
Body modifications - I had a lip peircing but sadly it ripped......
Meaning of your LJ username -
I used it in a poem and I thought it described me perfectly.I love my LiveJournal and shall never give it up!!!!!!!!!
[+] Likes and Dislikes [+]
Turn Ons - Long long flowing hair.Lip Peircings hehe.Little/none body hair.And I love Vampire teeth.*Shakes* Prrrrrrr.
Turn Offs - Vaginas,alot of body hair,blonde hair (Nothing against blondes now,I just don't find it attractive),Immaturity,Thats basically it.....
Favourite bands -
Lacuna Coil
♥Led Zepplin♥
♥Pink Floyd♥
♥Cradle Of Filth♥
♥Coal Chamber♥
Five least favourite bands -
1)Good Charloote
2)Simple Plan
3)Children Of Bodem
4)Insane Clown Posse (clown scare the lving hell out of me)
Limp Biskit
The song you can't get enough of -
Simple And Clean (The theme song to Kingdom Hearts)
The song that is SO overplayed -
Getting Away With Murder-Papa Roach
Favourite movies -
♥Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Nightmare Before Christmas (even though it's highly over rated)♥
I don't really watch alot of T.V so I can't really say I like many other movies.
Favourite colour -
Deep Blue
Favourite food -
Favourite outfit -
Neon Blue Tripp pants and my AFI shirt :):):)
Favourite activity -
Rollerblading at three in the morning when no one is out.It's so nice out then.......
[+] Opinions On... [+]
Hot Topic -
I love Hot Topic.It's the only place that I can find the clothes I like.No I don't want to go on the internet and find my kind of clothes just because you all don't like the store I shop at.Persoanlly everyone that doesen't like the fact that I shop at Hot Topic can shove it for all I care.
Self-mutilation -
Self Mutilation is horrible and I don't think that your body should have to pay for whats most likely a mistake that you made.Now I know that there are some mental conditions that cause you to hurt yourself (I have one) but just the fact that you "have such a horrible life" (which you probably don't,if your complaining about this kinda shit then your probably just doing it for attention and probably don't even know how life gets) doesen't mean you should go and cut yourself for fucking attention.Though if you do have a mental illness then you need to seek help so you can stop.
Racism -
Racism is horrible and fucking stupid in my opinion.I think the human race should at least have evolved enough to realize that the color of your skin has no influence on your potential or your skill level.I think the thought of downgrading someone because the fact that they're black white silver or yellow is simply immature and stupid.
Censorship -
Censorship is stupid but needed.People neither have the maturity to say what they mean in a non-violet way nor do they have the brain content.So it's necesary but simply niave.
Life -
I think life should be lived out to the fullest and the thought of taking your own life simply repulses me.No matter what anyone thinks all pain does come to an end.So yeah,right now life isin't the eisiest (yeah I know I probably spelled that wrong sorry) thing in the world right now but it does get better.So yeah I think life should be lived out to the fullest.Because this may be the only life you get......
Drugs -
I think drugs are just a submissive agent to make you think that your problems are gone.Some drugs in modification are okay but never the less I have experimented with drugs thinking they would make all my problems just poof into the air but it hasan't happened yet so,no I don't like drugs.
Yourself -
I don't like the way I look but I think I am a pretty okay person.I am easy to get along with.Extremely passive thought that doesen't mean I am a doormate.If you treat me wrong I will treat you wrong back.I don't know what else I am suppossed to put in here.But thats kinda me in a nutshell.
[+] Miscellaneous [+]
Something you hold a strong opinion on and why -
I feel very strong on gay marrige.Because being a stupid homophobe is just as bad as being racist.I don't like the fact of people getting murdered or beaten till they wish they were dead just because they are gay/lesbian.I have had three friends murdered for being gay so I know the personal effect of that kind of shit.
Any kinks, fetishes, or lusts? -
I love......
♥Long hair
♥Bondage hehe
And I am pretty open-minded about that kind of stuff so I'll basically try anything once *lick lips*
What label would YOU put on yourself? -
Kinda a more fancy goth.....God I hate labels.....~Twitch~
Something that has had a great impact on your life -
Homophobia and it's uglyness......
The one thing you fear the most -
The afterlife.
Your greatest role model, and why -
Myself.I don't think that I want to be somebody who,just like me, has all their flaws.So in my eyes I don't see any point in idolizing someone who is just like me.I would like to carve my own destiny,not strive to be someone else.
Something in your life that you'd use as a warning or an example for others in this lifestyle -
Watch out for all the drugs and shit.They can REALLY fuck you up!
What one thing do you want to accomplish in your life? -
To be one of the worlds most accomplished musicians:)
How did you hear about us? - Just random search.
Why should we accept you? - Because I really like this community and think I could get to know others that follow this certain "lifestyle".I love meeting new people.
Promote us somewhere on LJ and post the link -
http://www.livejournal.com/users/insist_insanity/ [+] Photos (three or more) [+]
Sorry if they're a little big....
Be nice,