Been swamped with a few things lately; job, car payments again, car break downs, and the run around of life.
But all in all it is going in the general direction I was hoping for.
Me and Ash for those who don't know bought a 88 Honda CRX DX for little under $1260, but with a few issues that are needing repairs. This in a sense is my project car, but due to work I really never get a chance to actually work on it, instead Ash's new friends, bless them, are willing to replace the axles. I for one would love to get under the car and work on them too, but doubt I will :(
But there are still small things I can work on while I get off work as well as the simple oil change which I will be making Ash do while I lay beside her watching so she can do an oil change too.
All in all the married life is good, though I've been a slacker husband with things, I promise to make it up and get things on the right track... Less WoW/Internet and more Wife time.
Also need to get our dog Sammy out and about instead of inside all day.
I feel like a new person now that I have had 12.5" of hair lopped off my head, all of which is being donated to Locks for Love. I do like my short hair back and feel less like a grunge..
Well I plan to have more photos to post here soon as well as some more shots of me and the misses as I play to do a photo a month to show our progress as life goes on.