Confessions (fic)

Jun 12, 2008 11:59

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: Confessions

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG

Characters/Pairings: Gabriel

Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: AU

Summery: Gabriel goes to a priest for his troubles

Author’s Notes:  Flocked because I don't know anything about Catholic confession. So most of it's guess work. I hope it's clear. Pure dialogue.

ETA: Ann says its good enough to unlock so I'm unlocking it. Weee!

“Bless me Father. It’s been a week since my last confession.

“I saw her again this week, yesterday actually. I went to the grocery store when I knew she‘d be there and I walked up to her. She was wearing this really nice shirt that showed off her neck and shoulders. There was … lust in my heart. And I wanted to touch her. I wanted to do more than just touch her, Father.”

“I thought we’ve already discussed this unhealthy obsession you have with this young woman. You should be focusing your thoughts on God and his plans for you, my son. You’re letting his woman cloud your judgment.”

“But what if she’s part of God’s plan for me? Don’t I owe it to myself, to her, to God to follow through with it?

“Go through with what? It doesn’t sound like you’re doing this for God’s benefit.

“I can not ignore her father. There is something about her. The way she smiles reminds me of the sun and I don’t feel as lonely when I see her.

“You think she is you’re salvation? That is a place in your heart that should only be filled with love for God Almighty. You risk your soul by continuing this train of thought.

“Philippians 4:8 Father, ‘…  Whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.’ ”

“You are taking it out of context -

“The very thought of her lifts my sprit … that can’t be wrong. Can it?”

“What sorts of things do you think about when you think on her?

“I think about how I can’t seem to make myself go up to her, like she’s too good for me. That doesn’t make me happy though. I like to let my mind wonder on her. She takes me to the strangest places. I get it in my head that I want to do things to her. With her, do things with her.”



“What kinds of things?

“It sounds strange, but I’d like to see her when she’s crying. I like her to feel comfortable enough around me to show me that side of her. If I could just make her cry, then would be real to her.”

“H’m, I see.”

“She could be my next door neighbor; we could see each other in the street, years and years over … and it wouldn’t matter. But if I make her cry, I feel like she would really see me then. She would see me.”

“You mean to harm her?”

“No. I don’t know; if I have to, but not really. I feel like it’s the only way to make her see.”

“My son … those are very disturbing thoughts. You haven’t acted on them, have you?”

“No father. I keep my distance when I get this way. I come here for help when it gets to be too much. I need help. Please tell me what I need to do.”

“I’ve told you already what you must do. But you don’t seem to take in what I’m telling you. So instead I’ll tell you (in the hopes that you’ll listen this time) to do seven ‘Hail Mary’s’ and read on Colossians 3:15-17.  I trust that the strength of God, in you, can help you to deal with this in a more appropriate manor than you’ve been handling it. Find the balance my son. Until you have, you must remove this temptation. Find an alternate route to work. Stop going to his grocery store. You must free yourself from this burden and find solace in the arms of the Lord our Savor.”

“… She’s not a burden.”

“You don’t want help do you?”

“I just came to confess. … I want to tell you that she led me here, to his church. I followed her here. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is waiting for me in the pews. God only knows what she’d confess to when she’s bowed down on her knees praying to him. … Thank you for listening to me Father.”

“I can not absolve you. You’ve shown no--”

“Only God can absolve sins, Father. We both know that. And I didn’t really ask, though you may send me off now. I’ll keep in mind, what you said.”

“It troubles me to send you away like this. I believe you may need help beyond what I can give you. But I will prey for you my son.”

“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good,"

"For His mercy endures forever."


Prayers and scripture.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Colossians 3: 15 - 17 "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

fic, prompt tables, heroes, prompts, sylar, maya herrera, heroes15, gabriel gray

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