A Mother's Love (fic)

Jun 21, 2009 15:56

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: A Mother's Love

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: G

Word Count: 300

Characters/Pairings: little!Gabriel, Martin & Virginia Gray

Disclaimer: Don’t own. Kring (ftl).

Spoilers/Time Line: Vol.4 (?) "Exposed"

Summery: "Mother is the name for 'God' on the lips and hearts of all children ..."

Author’s Notes: Another request from bellonablack . :) Heroes15 prompt "Leave"

"It's okay, Gabriel. What a lovely name for such a sweet little boy. My sweet little boy." Virginia Gray petted the hair of her new son as he slept in the back seat. He had cried and cried until he'd exhausted himself and finally fallen asleep. She sat in the back with him and when he'd lulled in his sleep, rocking gently as the car rumbled on beneath them, she moved him to rest in her lap, stroking his hair. She couldn't stop touching him.

Her own little boy, to love, to raise and to take care of her when she got old. His face was wet and warm from his tears so she removed his glasses and fanned him with her hand.

"Isn't he just the most perfect little boy in all of creation?" She let her finger caress his damp cheek. She marveled at the child.

"Stop fussing over him Virginia. You're going to wake him up."

She did not hear her husband for she was so enthralled with her new hope. She couldn't wait to show him his bedroom and read him bedtime stories. He would call her mommy and she'd be a very good mother indeed. She would be the only mother Gabriel would ever know ... would ever love. The child stirred against her lap, the movement breaking her revelry.

Virginia smiled down at him and knew that she loved him.

"Mmm ... Mommy ..." He moaned in his restless sleep.

And Virgina felt her love spilling over.

"I'm right here, my darling little boy."

gift!fic, fic, gabriel gray, heroes15, heroes

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