I want to eat "Sea Kittens", that's who!chris_wassJune 19 2009, 17:41:30 UTC
That is RE-Donk-U-lous!
Trout being litter trained and going to university? Oy. The create you own section is nutty! Check out the hair options! Donald Trump hair? Man, they are trying really hard to reach out to the kids with their propaganda!
Re: I want to eat "Sea Kittens", that's who!razzJune 22 2009, 04:33:33 UTC
Yeah, they're pushing it. I wish PETA would place more focus on sustainable food--give intelligent, viable options--then maybe they wouldn't look so absurd and hard to swallow!
Re: I want to eat Sea Kittens, that's who!chris_wassJune 22 2009, 19:25:57 UTC
I totally agree! I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals and humane treatment of food animals, but trying to promote the fraud that all fish are super intelligent and cuddly pets as a means of dissuading children from eating them only hurts the overall cause by making them look like doucebags. I feel the same way about anti-abortion activists that use gross-out tactics like the "but they have fingernails, that makes them people!" ploy. I think that a lot more would be gained by providing information about as many options as possible for those that are interested.
Comments 3
Trout being litter trained and going to university? Oy. The create you own section is nutty! Check out the hair options! Donald Trump hair? Man, they are trying really hard to reach out to the kids with their propaganda!
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