(no subject)

Jul 13, 2008 22:28

Can you tell i've been starved for internet?
More pictures. Hammer time! :)

I can't imagine who she's seen do this.... every day of her life.

This was part of our "push/pull game" Elena made up. She thinks it's hysterical to sit behind me & push me away, then pull me back on top of her.

Hammer time!
Every Sunday night, the "neighborhood association" plus a few satellites meets at Frau Hammers for a little spoiling. The kids like it especially b/c every meal ends with ice cream, followed by a chocolate treat. Taylor wanted me to get a picture of Elena's "unicorn hair" - the special flip in front.


Austin & Z-man


Zachary & Taylor are so good to the girls, sometimes it's like they've each claimed a toddler. Erin said it was like a game of Pokemon cards. "My toddler comes with peepee power." (Briana had one rough evening at their house with 3 accidents.) "Well, my toddler comes with boom boom diaper power!" (Somehow, playing outside always causes Elena to have a BAD diaper.)
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