You didn't cut me! Despite the fact that I have been an awful LJ friend. I am totally trying to get better. Things in my life have been not so good the last couple of months, and it wasn't makng me feel especially social. But now I am emerging from my basement!Gerard phase into an over enthusiastic Ray Toro phase. (that sentence makes complete sense in my head)
Except for the part where you are awesome so I wouldn't unfriend you. ♥
I've totally been in the same place past few months, just too much going on, etc. But I'm trying to make moar of an effort, today at least.. It's also an awesome excuse to avoid working while I'm at work. LOL
With me? Other than the slight crazy, it's been pretty good... Just lots of shows, with my band and going to see other people's bands, lots of music and running around.
IT TOTALLY HAS AND I MISSED U. *clings* What's been going on?
With me? Getting used to being back on Long Island, working...paying bills, etc. Missing my sister LIKE CRAZY.'s insane how much I miss my sister. I hate that she stayed in Albany.
Also gushing over the MCR boys blog. It made me realize how much I was seriously underestimating Mikey's sense of humor. <3 And Ray and Bob have a total bromance going on.
You're so much closer to all the shows, now, though! (LOL SKEWED PRIORITIES ARE SKEWED) Does she have plans to come down or not?
Oh, man, you're not kidding! Between twitter and, I'm totally in love with Mikeyway now. Before, I was like, what do you guys even see in him?! XD Although Bawb is my main squeeze right now... How can I not? He's a tech. And awesome. And cranktastic! :DDDD They are so precious! I've also been going through a FOB renaissance in terms of fic reading and music listenery... even if the 'nanigans going on with them rn are a little frustrating. (Also ahahahaha I was having cigarette smoking tiemz 2 feet away from an in-costume Peter during our BND date, so AWKWARD)
Comments 15
How are things with you? It's been agesssss.
I've totally been in the same place past few months, just too much going on, etc. But I'm trying to make moar of an effort, today at least.. It's also an awesome excuse to avoid working while I'm at work. LOL
With me? Other than the slight crazy, it's been pretty good... Just lots of shows, with my band and going to see other people's bands, lots of music and running around.
IT TOTALLY HAS AND I MISSED U. *clings* What's been going on?
With me? Getting used to being back on Long Island, working...paying bills, etc. Missing my sister LIKE CRAZY.'s insane how much I miss my sister. I hate that she stayed in Albany.
Also gushing over the MCR boys blog. It made me realize how much I was seriously underestimating Mikey's sense of humor. <3 And Ray and Bob have a total bromance going on.
Oh, man, you're not kidding! Between twitter and, I'm totally in love with Mikeyway now. Before, I was like, what do you guys even see in him?! XD Although Bawb is my main squeeze right now... How can I not? He's a tech. And awesome. And cranktastic! :DDDD They are so precious! I've also been going through a FOB renaissance in terms of fic reading and music listenery... even if the 'nanigans going on with them rn are a little frustrating. (Also ahahahaha I was having cigarette smoking tiemz 2 feet away from an in-costume Peter during our BND date, so AWKWARD)
I'm kinda new to your journal but I'll keep up and comment <3
Welcome, glad you're here! <333
I need you in my life.
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