We finally got our new puppy today. We went looking for a new dog last Saturday and went into the OSPCS (Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and fell in love with our new puppy.
Actually we applied to get a puppy, however the dog we origionally wanted was adopted to another family we were called back in to take a look at our now new puppy Murphy. He is a 10 week only Rotti/Shepherd mix - with a hind of Lab. Once we passed the interview, with flying colours I might add, we went off to Pet Smart to get our puppy stuff. One lady in the store said "wow - you've got a chick magnet", well I don't think that is what we were going for but Murphy loved the attention.
When we got home we put together the crate, fed him, and got him aquainted with our cat Ziggy. There has only been one spat so far, the cat winning. In a few days or week I am sure it will all be back to love.
Anyway - lots of work, training, and play to do.
Here are a few pics of the new addition Murphy