Angel season 2 caps and random thoughts

Jul 30, 2016 13:48

I'm currently screencapping season 2 of Angel, so here are some pointless observations:

- Angel tends to endure entire conversations with the same face expression. Well, serious conversations. It changes drastically when he has a chance to be goofy. AtS would probably benefit a lot from being a comedy.

- Cordelia, on the other hand, can go through 10 expressions in one second. I am not even exaggerating. Much.

- Gunn gets so little screen time comparing to other core characters. Like, about twice less than Cordelia or Wesley.

- Gunn and Cordy have such a great chemistry, I almost forgot. (I ended up rewatching "First Impressions" instead of capping it.) It's a crime that they get so few scenes together later in the series. Gunn and Wesley are great, too. (And let's not think about what comes later.)

- Wesley and Angel often have so similar body language and face expressions. On smaller thumbnails it's even hard to tell them apart. I wonder, if it's natural thing or Alexis Denisof mimicked it on purpose.

- Angel and Lindsey look like twin brothers, too. Well, no surprise here, it's the whole point of Lindsey's character.

- Lilah's face is much more expressive than I recall. The nonchalant stiffness that I remeber actually appears only in life-threatening situations. She just visually freezes, often with a blank expression on her face. Made me wonder, what Lilah's backstory could be.

P.S. If anyone needs them, Season 2 caps are currently uploaded there: (address will be definetly valid till Aug 26, but there is a chance that I won't extend it after that).


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