im on like version 4.0 or like 4.4 to be more acurate. 4.0 being the college/drug phase of mine that started after i tried mushrooms. and then next .4 being the changes that aren't full blown personality changes for example i dont do hardcore drugs frequently(being once or more a week)anymore. therefor something had to have changed to remove that desire.
5.0 will be when im finished with the marines
but in general i think that the part that truly defines who we are is developed in are very early years like 8 and before
Comments 2
im on like version 4.0 or like 4.4 to be more acurate. 4.0 being the college/drug phase of mine that started after i tried mushrooms. and then next .4 being the changes that aren't full blown personality changes for example i dont do hardcore drugs frequently(being once or more a week)anymore. therefor something had to have changed to remove that desire.
5.0 will be when im finished with the marines
but in general i think that the part that truly defines who we are is developed in are very early years like 8 and before
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