Well it looks like I'll be working at LAN next week, and next week only... That's about $300 for 40 hours of work (before taxes)...with the majority of it being handed over to my dad... Excited? You bet I am...
I miss Pat to the point where I don't want to even talk to anyone else...I don't know what I am going to do.... :'(
I don't think anyone will really care if I post my pictures of Ireland so I dunno if I should bother... I put them up on my photobucket account though...http://photobucket.com/albums/v24/lennonsbabygrl/Ireland/ there's about 200 there, down from the 530 or so I
Mick called the house last night as I was just passing out...it must have been about 10 or so...I can't wait to adjust to the time difference
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