A Survey I took from Emma (mekareenra)

Nov 10, 2006 00:32

1. I've come to realize that I'm one of the coolest people at shepherd, but I'm just a friend. Which I'm getting to be fine with, because I have good taste in women and they are usually amazing friends!

2. I'm listening to "Absolutely Zero" by Jason Mraz

3. I talk far too often about things more in depth than necessary, and should lighten up; ( Read more... )

survey, mekare enra

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Comments 3

nerdyfangirl November 11 2006, 06:29:30 UTC
6. Awww! That's so cute and endearing....yet very funny at the same time. =)

10. completely agree!

25. somebody on the brain =(


chaotic_ocean November 14 2006, 07:50:07 UTC
I really enjoyed reading this, though I remember talking about some of these things in previous conversations with you. I miss talking, but I'm really hoping we can work something out during the week of Thanksgiving when you're home.

I think I'll probably try filling this out sometime in the near future ... I love surveys like this because you can really take the prompt anywhere. I do want to comment on a few of your answers, though ...

1.) I know that feeling ... I've had the "just a friend" thing happen quite a bit in the past, and it never feels good. Just know that sometimes friendships can grow into relationships, and those are always the best kind ( ... )


rbshepcofrosh03 November 14 2006, 11:46:39 UTC
I totally love you! thank you so much for your response. Yeah, I'll be home from Friday (of this week) night until Sunday morning (When I am getting driven back).

I know for definite that I will not be free the friday of that week, and wednesday or thursday, or monday. I'm meeting up with Andy on that Friday, Wednesday/Thursday/Monday are days spent with mom (clothes shopping, or cooking for Thanksgiving)... and I think I'll spend that Saturday taking Dad to See Casino Royale with Eamon--If we can. I'm still free on Sunday of the weekend I get home, or Tuesday... though I really am trying to set up time to hang out with my friend who's taking me home on Tuesday.

Wow, I come home from college, and suddenly my week off isn't as 'free' as I thought.

But I would really like to spend time with you, if at allllll possible. I'm broke, and carless, but it would be excellent. hah.


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