...good golly miss molly...

Oct 01, 2007 01:18

dreamsofsunlight: soooooooo
Wombat of Combat: whoooooooooa
dreamsofsunlight: dooooooough
Wombat of Combat: loooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: floooooooooow
Wombat of Combat: bloooooow
dreamsofsunlight: moooooooooooooooe
Wombat of Combat: hoooooooooe
dreamsofsunlight: ooooooooooooooooooooh
Wombat of Combat: nooooooooooooooo!
dreamsofsunlight: goooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: indigoooooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: beeeeeeeeeeux
Wombat of Combat: (you forgot the a) snoooooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: i noticed after i typed it...croooooooow
Wombat of Combat: haha.....oreooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: well played...van gooooooooogh
Wombat of Combat: haha, nice.... vertigooooooooooooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: toooooooooooow
Wombat of Combat: homooooooooooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: lame. quid pro quooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: i was gonna have a grinder but i settled for a...herooooooooooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: nice. almost as nice as a 1970's afrooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: the seventies had some nice....bordeauuuuuuuuuuuuuux
dreamsofsunlight: but from then on, they hit a plateauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Wombat of Combat: this is getting harder than the fake body parts in mia....farrooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: she is fake from head to toooooooooooooe
Wombat of Combat: i think i may have to uninstall my vintage mpeg codec distributed by...indeoooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: i dont know what that is, but i know a famous man died. his name was marcel marceaaaaaaaaux
Wombat of Combat: i should introduce him to my friend...joooooooe
dreamsofsunlight: hes in dead celeb land, like marilyn monroooooooe.
Wombat of Combat: fo' shoooooooooooooo'
dreamsofsunlight: their deaths caused the world wooooooooooooooooooe
Wombat of Combat: i don't know if i can keep this going too much moooooooooooooooo'
dreamsofsunlight: already been used. just so you knoooooooow.
Wombat of Combat: i didn't remember, but my embarassment has set my face aglooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: you have to be more gung hooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: ewww, adding a word to a previous word is a no noooooooo (used), do it again and i'll hit you with a yo-yoooooooo
Wombat of Combat: i may have used yo so i'm gonna go seeeeeew
dreamsofsunlight: but you used a word twice before i did, broooooooooooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: this game is becoming quite a roooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: its more rhyming then i wish to undergooooooooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: we haven't yet used this form of dooooooooe
dreamsofsunlight: you can go to the bad place beloooooooooooooow
Wombat of Combat: that's a good place if you've got stuff to stoooooooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: i'd rather be alive then in hell in a chateauuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Wombat of Combat: that is something i too wish to forgoooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: i forgot when we started, that i hadn't said hellooooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: your rhyming skills continue to groooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: because my brain is glad to not be taking bioooooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: that class is weak, instead you should read some harry potter and consider the existence of the grindylooooooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: no fair using harry potter words. may as well use dr seuss words. or mumbo jumbo on a tarooooooooooooot
dreamsofsunlight: that one should count as three
Wombat of Combat: i wouyld count those if we were in ontariooooooo
Wombat of Combat: or [erhaps san franciscoooooo
dreamsofsunlight: or chicagoooooooo??
Wombat of Combat: yes, according to my friend angelooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: okay, seriously...we're using names and cities now...i'd rather watch a donkey shooooooooooow
dreamsofsunlight: and its been used, like john dooooooooooooooooooe
Wombat of Combat: or watching hook and oogling rufioooooo?
Wombat of Combat: don't remember that, but in the interests of fairness we'll ask my other friend michelangeloooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: my favorite turtle was donatellooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: i saw a commercial just now, for shoes that said sneeeeeeeeeaux
dreamsofsunlight: i like the old movies, where riders would say tallyhoooooooooooooe
Wombat of Combat: i think for doing this we deserve to be struck down by a hurricane, possibly humbertooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: okay, im really tired of this verbal to and frooooooooooooooo
Wombat of Combat: (used) Shall i call and explain my victory to my friend lorenzooooooo?
dreamsofsunlight: (no, afro was used, not fro) is lroenzo a CEOOOOOOOOO?
Wombat of Combat: we can call a truce, or so suggests my friend pabloooooo
dreamsofsunlight: i agree with pablo, is his last name narutooooooooo?
Wombat of Combat: no, the far more expected, picasooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: are we having a truce or do i need to get manson to give me a UFOoooooooooooo?
Wombat of Combat: i'll stop rhyming when either you do, or i am appointed CIOOOOOOOOOO
dreamsofsunlight: CIO(ooooooooooooo)? this rhyming is making me want to throoooooooooooooow up
Wombat of Combat: ewww, word after the rhymer, that wouldn't sly in Oslooooooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: whats a CIO? if its not a word, i may have to call the poe pooooooooooooooooe
Wombat of Combat: ewwww, we used poe, but it's a chief information officer, similar to a CTOOOOOOOOOOO
dreamsofsunlight: not like po poe as in Briscoooooooooooooo
dreamsofsunlight: law and order, baby
Wombat of Combat: five ooooooooo'?
dreamsofsunlight: not a word. ipso factooooooooooo.
Wombat of Combat: five o, as in hawaii five ooooo, ask my friend eduardoooooo, he's a spanish catholic so he prays to jesucristoooooo
Wombat of Combat: end it now
Wombat of Combat: for the love of god
dreamsofsunlight: lol
Wombat of Combat: that's cost me my will to live
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