Not Another Cinderella
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
rchginger Artist:
beeej Rating: R for some naughty language
Word count: 34,149
Genre: Romance
Summary: In which Arthur may be gay, Merlin is a little magical, and a creepy inn is creepy. and a sweater wearing cat is full of slash.
When Prince Arthur of Avalon is photographed with a lad’s hand down his trousers his father decides its high-time he learned to be responsible. In the small town of Ealdor no one knows who Arthur Pendragon really is so when Arthur arrives at the Destin Inn and acts like a prat Merlin immediately hates the new, admittedly handsome, clerk. With the help of a sweater wearing cat, a haunted (?) Inn, and a turtle that may be more than just a turtle Arthur will learn to grow up and might just fall in love if the paparazzi and secrets don’t ruin everything.
Warnings(?): The butchering of all that's British??? Sorry about that by the way, I mean no offense to anyone with my terrible use of British slang.
Author Note: Okay, made it to the finish line. I complete my first ever BigBang!! Yay me!!! But I wouldn't have be able to with out some awesome help. I'm not sure that thank you is enough but seeing as I once told her I would build her a monument and she turned it down that appears to be all I have so thank you to my AWESOME beta
rebeccaann08 who, without, this story would probably be a mess. You have been more helpful to me than you can possibly ever know.
A special thank you to
beeej !! My wonderful artist who was patient with me and created me scenebreaks. You're work is amazing darling, I'm so glad I had this opportunity to work with you!!! Make sure you all visit her
journal and let her know how much you like her work.
I'd also like to thank
yenny2206 who jumped on board late and was there to tell me I didn't suck when I needed her. And
eosrose who agreed to do the ebook even though I kind of waited until the last possible second to ask.
And I thank all of the readers. Because writing isn't nearly as fun without some to read your stories.
Disclaimer: Merlin is the property of people not me. I do not own the characters only the plot that nearly killed me trying to write. Do not sue for I only have a dollar and a hundred books. Though I do take credit for any grammatical errors that maybe found.
Chapter One~~~~
Chapter Two~~~~
Chapter Three~~~~
Chapter Four~~~~
Chapter Five~~~~
Chapter Six~~~~~
Chapter Seven~~~~
Chapter Eight~~~~
Chapter Nine~~~~
Chapter Ten~~~~
@Photobucket LJ Art Masterpost