Survey to break the monotony

May 16, 2014 14:01

Lol it's been ages since I did a survey in here, so have another one
Taken from the extremely wonderful oneonthefence.

1)Do you like to sit in the sun and tan when it's hot out?
Not necessarily tan, but yes I do like sitting in the sun; this makes a great change from when I was little however and hated being outside.
(Got to make the most of these final days of sun as after my transplant, I won't be able to sit out there for a couple of years due to the higher cancer risk that comes with the anti-rejection meds I'll be on.

2)How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had in your lifetime?
Um, serious ones, one; he's my current

3)Have you ever been so drunk you puked?
No, don't drink; hate the stuff; it tastes like puke.

4)Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you?
Yeh; he wouldn't leave me alone for a while until I pissed him off and he went away.

5)What was the last dream you had about?
Wow, don't remember the ones I had last night but I do like to remember my dreams and I mostly do a good job of it.

6)Is your best friend the same sex as you?

7)Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance?
Not really; sort of I guess

8)Do you tell people you love them just to get what you want?
No way

9)Do you think you have already found your soul mate?
Think so

10)Why do you think people are so selfish sometimes?
Insecurity, power tripping, a whole number of things.

11)Would you rather go to Greece or France?
Probably France; I dunno

12)Ever been to Mexico?

13)What is your favorite type of music, and why?
Nothing beats the golden oldies and country

14)Do you like to ride your bike, if you have one?
I use to ride one on training wheels, and if I were sighted/could echo locate confidently, I'd love to ride, (I went on the Great Victorian Bike Ride one year and loved it quite a bit riding my tandom.

15)Do you think you could live by yourself for a week and not talk to anyone?
I think I use to not talk to anyone for weeks at a time when I was unemployed and depressed.

16)Ever been so lonely you cried?
Oh yes

17)Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?

18)Do you think you could forgive someone for cheating on you?
Um, maybe forgive depending on the situation, but never would i forget.

19)Be honest, do you like people in general?
Mostly, yes

20)Do you have a favorite band or song at the moment?
Um wow, I dunno; don't listen to a lot of modern music; mid-90-s upwards there's not many good songs around.

21)What college would you like to attend?
Been there, done that

22)What does your hair look like right now?
A bit too long, still darkish brown.

23)What was the weirdest thing you saw on television in the past week?
I only watch Neighbours, and that's not weird, most of the time.

24)What was the name of the last magazine you read?
Don't read them; I can listen to women's weekly now thanks to it being available in audio but the celeb goss does nothing for me.

25)Have you ever done something sexual that you regret?
No, never regret anything

26)Ever had a teacher that you wanted to punch in the face?
Probably but I have never been a vilent type of gal Lol

27)If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Those Cadbury Fingers; mmmm

28)What sport do you like better: volleyball or football?
Prob football but not hugely into sport. I do follow my partners footy team though.

29)Ever been close to dying?
I've had accidents that could have been disasterous, like almost drowning

30)Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it?
"they" won't let me; though I have driven around a racetrap usually for half an hour each year with a lot of instruction

31)Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret?
Um no, as said above, I don't regret anything.

32)How often are you on the computer?
A lot; all day at work and a little when I get home but I have really cut down the hours of leasure time on the computer.

33)Do you wear makeup?
Absolutely not except for some job interviews but I think it's a very big waste of time and I hate the thought of it cluttering up my skin (yuck)

34)When is your birthday? Do you like that month?
16 April; yeh it's a pretty good month; share it with easter most years.

35)Are you close with your father?
I am, so much so that he'll be donating his kidney to me in a couple of months; Both my parents were very willing to do this I would like to add; I am very lucky.

36)Who are your 3 closest friends?
I have a few close friends.

37)What are the names of all the people you have dated?
Don't want to name them in public.

38)Do you like Chinese food, or do you find it disgusting?
Like it a lot.

39)What is your favorite fast food place?
Um, don't really eat fast food any more; though I do like Hungry Jacks burgers (that's burger king for all you Americans).

40)Did you ever wet the bed when you were little?
I believe I did it once and I remember it; I was about 7; not sure how it happened because it wasn't like me.

41)Have you lost your virginity, and if you have, at what age?
Yes, I was 26; late bloomer; shut up I care not about stupid society norms.

42)Would you ever give up your life for a friend?
I think I would

43)What do you like to do on Saturdays?
sleep right now, and/or read laying in bed or sitting outside, occasionally catching up with people when I have the energy.

44)Have you ever broken someone's heart or have been heart broken?
Yes, both

45)How do you like to eat your eggs, if you like them at all?
Eggs Benedict is seriously da bomb

46)Ever had really bad service at a restaurant?
Think so

47)Do you think you could survive a day without eating or drinking anything?
not sure about drinking, actually eating too nowadays with my condition but I did do the 40 hour fammon when I was 14, but I was allowed to drink of course.

48)Would you rather be able to not talk for a week or not hear for a week?
Probably not talk; I need to be able to hear.

49)Ever met someone you wish you hadn't?
Like I say, never regret anything. People come into our lives for a reason, season or lifetime; I truely believe that.

50)What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas! :)

51)Would you rather pig out for a week and gain 10 pounds or not eat anything?
Gain 10 pounds; I wouldn't be here if I didn't eat for a week; at least if I were, I'd be extremely weak.

52)Do you have any vacations coming up?
Probably going to my In-laws at some point; yeah; love those guys!
Then I look forward to some time in hospital .. not. Lol

53)If you found out you got someone pregnant, what would you do?
It would be me who would be pregnant and I'd be over the moon! :)

54)What's your favorite thing about your mom?
A lot of things; she's very loving and caring (see above comment).

55)When was the last time you had a real smile on your face?
Can't remember; I try and smile a lot

56)Do you like being hot or cold better?
Way prefer being hot to freezing cold

57)Do you prefer hanging with large groups or small groups?
Always prefered smaller groups

58)Do you have a friend that you cannot stand but you still love them?
Um, yeh I think so

59)Do you have any plans this weekend?
Just chillaxing at my partners place.

60)Will you be under the influence of alcohol today?
See above

61)The person you had the strongest feelings for dies, do you care?
Wow, um, OK whatevs, not going to even answer that one

62)Have you ever lost a close friend?
Sadly yes

63)What color of eyes attracts you most?
Can't see so don't care

64)Do you drink lots of water?
It's pretty much all I drink

65)What's your favorite thing about Christmas?
Being with family and knowing it's Jesus' birthday. :)

66)Do you like to go trick or treating for Halloween?
No, never did that.

67)What's the best thing about your siblings?
My sister is a wonderful mother.

68)Do you have anything on your mind that's bugging you?
Just my upcoming surgery, all the risks and all the meds I'll have to take for the rest of my life

69)What are your plans for today?
I am .. uh .. at work now. Lol I finish at 4.30 then training it to my man's place. :)

70)Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most in life?
No, a few people have hurt me a lot and I don't talk to them if I can avoid it.

71)Who was the last person you told to shut up?
This survey; Lol .. apart from that, I forget, probably my partner; he puts up with a lot. haha

72)Would you rather have love or money?
Love for sure

73)Is there anything someone could say to really upset you/hurt your feelings?
dah, try again

74)How do you deal with people that snore loudly in their sleep?
I kinda sometimes accidently on purpose wake them up; other times I can sleep OK

75)Do you keep in contact with any of your ex-boyfriends/girlfriends?
if I want to count them as relationships, yes I do

76)Are you wearing anything purple or blue right now?
No idea actually Lol

77)What was the last item that you put in your mouth?
Chips; I shouldn't have eaten them; kinda feel a bit gross now

78)Throughout life, how many people have let you down?
a few (see above)

79)On a scale of 1-10, how happy have you been today?
prob 6; I'm at work; I'm extremely tired and feel crap physically.

80)Is there anyone in your life that you look up to?
I know there has been in the past

Til next time, RdFreak

medical, surveys, work, faith

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