RP meme get!

Apr 20, 2006 18:16

Okay, upcoming finals weeks have nuked my gaming for the next week or so... but fortunatly I jus saw this meme in millenia and then ifritah grabbed it while I was still composing, but I'm posting now!

Least favorite character? Hard to say, I think it's Max, but that's only because he was my first RP character ever and suffered horribly for my sucking and being a newb. His current descendant by concept is on my favorites list now that I've become a better player.

Favorite characters? Taki, Keika, and Yushiro. Taki because she's fun to play when she isn't imploded, Keika just because she's Keika and I don't have anybody else like her, and Yushiro because he's like a sandwich made of awesome and win.

Original characters? I've only had a character that was from a source once, and that game didn't last past the first session. ;_;

Male or female characters? I tried to have an even split between male and female, but there was a streach where all my concepts were female, I think I'm working my way back now. I should count them up again some day.

Oldest character? Well, Max was about my first, but Nora takes the cake for age.

Newest character? That depends... Newest character to be finished? To be introduced in a game? Most recently got into a game? Newest concept period?In that order: Rael(Everhat restart), Lucas, Yushiro, and Katlinel.

Most popular character? Well... Taki is my most populous character, but I think Yushiro is the crowed favorite.

Character (type) you've never played: I have yet to play a female character who wasn't bi. I intend Kat to correct that, but I don't think anybody would take a bet on it.

Which character of yours would be most likely to...

Jump off a bridge? Terry, he's done it before and would do it again too. It's fun.

Get drunk and pass out? Keika, it's too expensive to get Yushiro drunk.

Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Keika, right there. Tricked somebody into imploding her own mind.

Get married? Yushiro. I'd put the odds at 100% if he lives through the next four months.

Be far too hyper for their own good? Ten.

Be raped? Erm.... Taki?

Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Sagiri, way to much pride in that girl.

Get lung cancer? Hmm, the only character I have associated with fire had this bad habit of exploding...

Star in a horror movie? Taki, her life is a horror movie.

Star in a whore movie? Keika, actually, no Tim. Keika would use the tapes for blackmail.

Star in a video game? Melody, she was taken from one after all.

Make the world a better place? Melody.

Have a torrid gay love affair? Keika.

Relate each word to a character

Love: Taki
Hate: Yoshiko
Money: Mark
Seduction: Keika
Lies: Keika
Tragedy: Taki
Violence: WNN Taki
Politics: ... Lucas maybe? I haven't had many politically charged chars.
Fire: Snybios
Ice: Taki

Would you ever...

Play a prostitute? Maybe.
Play a musician? Yes.
Play a pilot? Have done it.
Play a homosexual? Eventually, I think. Maybe.
Play a pedophile? I doubt it.
Play a politician? Probably not.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? No?
Play a character who commits incest? Not one who'd do so knowingly.

And that's that.
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