The weekend and weeks beforehand.

May 23, 2006 09:38

Duuude STUFF!
Okay, I've been doing way, way too much stuff lately, stuff that deserves individual LJ posts, but I'm laizy so here it all is in list format.

1) Flew to ACEN!
2) Took part in the annual ACEN game
3) Drove to Ardwedens graduation.
4) Drove back to Ardwedens house
5) Ate delicious CAKE
6) Drove back to ACEN!
7) Bought Crap and got email addresses for people I need to commission stuff from.
8) Drove back to Ardwedens house.
9) Lost many games of Settlers of Catan, however, I may have finaly groked how to play.
10) Got picked up by my brother, who has finished his first year at Bradly
11) Lost more games of Catan
12) Drove to Grandparents house.
13) Got work done on Mike's car.
14) Drove home.
15) Drove home.
16) Drove home.
17) Spent night in Wyoming, laptop suffered existential crisis and died.
18) Drove home.
19) Drove home.
20) Got home.
21) Collapased for two days.
22) Played in a new RPG.
23) Had an average rest of week.
25) Went to temple function, discovered they had two flavors of drink: suck and Coke. Drank Coke.
26) At 5 A.M. regreted drinking Coke.
27) Slept.
28) Went to dentist, discovered cavities and nessisity of removing wisdom teath.
29) Realized that Fanime was this weekend, got place to sleep (Thanks tiamat)
30) Logged onto LJ for first time in months, just in time to discover that I'd been tagged for a meme.
31) Did meme.

Taged by: Panda

Since you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1. My favorite anime series evah is Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
2. I technicaly play in more games than I have nights of the week to do so, but half of them don't run.
3. My computers out mass me.
4. I have mary-sue color shifting eyes that go from blue to green!
5. I only log into LJ when I post here, so I never see most friends locked posts untill weeks after the fact.
6. I fanboy for the old Shining Force games.

I tag... Hmm.
Ard, Rowy, Summer, Megan, Cham, and Mecha.

32) Finished typing up list of things.

Okay, since Fanime is this weekend, the odds on the rest of my games...
.hack//WHAT?! 1:1 - I'll be there.
Arcana 2:1 against - I might be there.
MC3 5:1 against - NBL, sorry guys
EH ∞:1 - Not happening
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