I will truely miss him. I'd miss him coming up and eating my valentine's day candy, i'll miss him eating hogan's fat free cupcakes, i'll miss him being at the top of your staircase and me being afraid to go down cause he'd never move for me, and i'll of course miss you coming up and kicking him down the stairs for me haha.. He was sucha good doggggy<33 :( Willy was seriously my babyboy. We miss you and looove you Will <33RIP
He was such a great dog. I love him so much. When he ate hoagz natural chocolate cupcakes and that time he threw up all those marshmallows. He was such an amazing dog and I bet him and my dog sparky are playing together right now. I love you willly <3
aw Tim I am SO sorry. I remember what it was like losing my dog Sparky and I was devistated. I hope you know that I'm here. And Nick's in the same house so it's like double the fun! :)
love you, bro. i'm here if you need me. i would totally come pick you up right now and drive around for a bit but i'm kind of on the opposite side of the ocean from the rhino. plus, driving through water would be difficult... anyways. love you and i am giving you a big hug with my mind right now.
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