Name: Siobhan
Age: 18
Birthday: June 4th
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 5' 10"
Left handed/Right?: Rightie
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond
Good with money?: Extremely
Talk about yourself for a few sentences, just about anything:
Okay, so I work as an on-campus Security monitor. Basically, I sit at a desk all night, taking names of visitors and checking guests. But last semester, I got to play with my supervisor's keys for a while, because we were having riots, and he needed to be at my station, so I got to go give other monitors their break. I was totally on a power trip. Sad, kinda silly, but true.
Your Life
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: French Fries
Favorite Animal: Panther...or maybe a bear.
Favorite Non-domesticated animal(Wolf?Bat?): Didn't I just answer that?
Favorite School subject: History, or Music, but for real, solid subjects, History.
Favorite Film: ....hmmm, that's a toughie. I don't think I really HAVE a favorite......
Favorite RE Char: Wesker! I love him so! We could re-build Umbrella together, and it would be better than the old one.........
Least Favorite RE Char: Barry.
Hobbies: Reading, singing, video games, roleplaying, making dumb skits with my friends, being obsessive.
Likes: Games, time for myself, good books, good music, Power, Authority.
Dislikes: Stupid people, Math, following others, annoying people who talk to their computers in the public computer lab
Self-preservation or the preservation of others?: Depends, if I actually care about them, others, if I'm alone, myself. People need to take care of themselves better.
The good of the company or the Good of humanity?: Uh...myself. Duh. But, I suppose, Company, Humanity isn't worth it.
Hypothetical Question:
If you found a hundred dollar bill on the street what would you do?
(be honest!) I'd probably look around, but lacking an obvious owner, I'd probably keep it. But I'd put it in the bank, to use later. Once it had grown from intrest.
Good with your hands?: (Sounds so dirty ;) Yes.
Good with people?: Amazingly. My own mother used to call me extremely manipulative.
Friendly?: You betcha! otherwise, they wouldn't trust me!
Loyal?: To those who've earned it.
Forceful?: Oh yeah.
If you were trapped in Raccoon City Who would you have with you?: (A friend? a family? Wesker?) I would love to have Wesker, but barring him, I'd take my best friend, since together, we could figure out anything, and survive.
What would you take with you? (Five items plz): First-aid kit, Magnum (with extra ammo, of course), combat knife (for when I do run out of ammo) Pop-Tarts (Cause you can't kill Zombies when your stomach's growling!) and a mag light flashlight (good for lighting the way, and twumping people over the head.)
How big an RE fan are you? (on a scale of 1-10. 1 being notsomuch, 10 being STARS member extraordinare) I'd say an 8 or a 9. What I don't know in info, I make up for in obsession.
C'est Moi!