Character's name: Angela "Angie" Spica/The Engineer
Character's canon: The Authority, Wildstorm Comics
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:
Angie is probably one of the most cheerful people in her line of work, especially when compared to the rest of the Authority. She started out as the team idealist, fully believing in Jenny Sparks' idea of working to make the world a better place. This is partly because she's a massive comics geek and Green Lantern fan. And while some of that idealism has worn thin, that's still her first priority. She's a workaholic, partly because her mind can handle so many things at one time now because of the computers. She often has duplicates carrying on work while she herself is catching a nap or off trying to save the world. She never actually stops and very rarely seems to slow down.
Even without the computers, though, Angie is honestly brilliant. Yes, the computers give her a lot of help in remembering things and making connections, but it's still her mind behind it all. The computers just make it so that she has a greater amount of raw data to pull from. And anything that she creates is still something she had to think of in the first place.
But the extra memory makes it hard to forget things, too, so Angie is able to hold a grudge for an extraordinarily long time unless she makes an actual effort to purge the info from her systems. She has a jealous streak, though it thankfully doesn't come out very much, especially given her on again-off again relationship with Jack Hawksmoor. But the streak mostly comes about because she cares for people deeply. Which leaves her open to getting hurt and that caring turning right around to something nasty.
One thing Angie does have going for her is that she's absolutely comfortable in her own skin, flesh or metal. She is, in fact, something of a nudist, which is why she doesn't tend to wear anything other than the metal if she can avoid it.
Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:
Angie is the youngest of seven children, raised Queens, New York City. Her father drove a bus and her mother worked in a launderette, which meant that the family was never rich. But they were happy and that was what mattered. She spent much of her childhood obsessed with superheroes, Green Lantern being her favorite. It was in wanting to become a superhero that Angie became the smartest child in her school, building circuit boards while other children her age were playing with toys.
She was not the first Engineer. The first was part of a group that wanted to change the world by removing the structure of society. However, they were stopped by Stormwatch and the Engineer was killed.
He had a failsafe in place, however, and all his notes were downloaded into the home computer of Angela Spica, a scientific genius working on human-machine fusion. She had known the original Engineer, though she hadn't known what else he had done until that moment. The notes started linking themselves to her work, eventually leading her to create and distill an incalculable number of nanotechnological machines into nine pints of liquid machinery, replacing her blood with it.
It was Jenny Sparks who found and recruited her for the Authority. Angie joined and found the Carrier with the help of the Doctor (Jeroen Thorndike, now deceased). The Carrier, a sentient interdimentional 'shiftship', ended up as the base for the Authority. She started up an open relationship with Jack Hawksmoor and became good friends with Jenny Sparks. When 'God' (actually an alien entity that had created the Earth as a retirement home) came home to destroy the world, Angie was the one who joined with the Carrier to get it to move out of Earth space and toward the entity. It was in taking out 'God' that the Authority lost Jenny Sparks.
Even saving the world hasn't kept Angie away from science. Her mind is always working. She even found the cure for a common form of leukemia while staring at her hash-browns. The only thing that stopped her, for a time, was when the Authority was taken out by the corporations, which installed a new Authority in their place. The liquid metal in her blood was siphoned away and replaced with the blood of a heroin addict and her memories replaced. She was forced into the life of a minimum wage clerk with an abusive husband and six children, all played by actors. Shen (another member of the Authority) broke her out of it, though, after freeing herself.
When the Authority broke apart, Angie stayed with the Carrier. And, most often, with Jack. And when Jenny Quantum wanted the Authority back together and to take out Bendix, they both agreed. Though it was as much Jenny telling them as anything else. When Bendix took over Midnighter's brain, it was Angie who was able to get in and free him from Bendix's control.
Angie is taken from right after The Authority: Revolutions. The day has just been saved, the team is back together and everything looks like it'll be going just fine. And now she's on the meatship.
If the character has magic, mutant, or otherwise metahuman abilities, please explain what they are and outline EXACTLY how they function, as their powers may not work due to the nature of the ship or may need to be limited somehow:
The Engineer's blood has been replaced with a metallic liquid filled with nanotech--tiny machines which are controlled by her will. She coats her body with a layer of metal to protect herself from harm. The nanotech gives her amazing technological abilities, from making weapons to radiotelepathy bugs to gigantic bug zappers, by taking the raw materials from the air around her or items near her. According to Angie, all the books in the world can be stored on a single drop of her blood. The tech allows her to fly and also allows her to make duplicates of herself. She can operate up to 80 of these duplicates without her mind shattering.
Non-superhuman special abilities of note (Is your character a master ventriloquist? A naturally-occurring super-genius? The best martial artist in the world? Say so here): Quite aside from what the nanotech helps her to remember and do, Angie is brilliant. She was already a mechanical genius before the nanotech and that's only been augmented. She's also quite inventive, which is very useful when you have the ability to create anything your mind can think up.