♔ yoonmin; it's only words, and words are all i have

Sep 28, 2015 07:18

► Pairing: Yoongi/Jimin
► Rating: PG
► Genre: Fluff!
► Words: 1531
► Summary: ‘ㅇ ㄷ ㅇ?’ when jimin got this strange message, at first he thought it was taehyung who sent it because, wasn’t this some kind of alien language? signs? keywords? um, no clue. everything’s possible when it’s about kim taehyung.
► title is from beegees' Words
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yoonmin, bts

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Comments 3

canadaphile September 28 2015, 04:50:40 UTC
Ah, miscommunication~ So, like, the Korean Yoongi's using is cut off? He's not using the whole character, and that's why Jimin's confused? (Kind of like code. That's actually super cute. I thought 'ㅇ ㄷ ㅇ?' was supposed to be a face... I was obviously wrong and would have just as much trouble interpreting Yoongi's texts to me. ;w;) I liked this. Short, sweet, and didn't sit on the conflict so much. It easily could have been soul-sucking with needless length and angst.

Bee Gees. Excellent choice. They have a special, groovy place in my heart.

This looks pretty good, overall! It's completely readable. A few grammar and technical mistakes (conjugation and some run-on sentences, for the most part), but nothing changes your meaning.



re_lla September 28 2015, 05:26:41 UTC
yes! since we all know how lazy yoongi is, so i think it would be troublesome to him to type something long so this was written xD

(and i just noticed that ㅇ ㄷ ㅇ? really looked like a face hahahah!

this wasn't really has a plot, i just wanted to write something based on those acronym texts lol so yeah, it was kinda short hehe and for me, i thought i couldn't write something angst ;u;''

(i loved beegees because my dad always listens to their songs <3 and it's kinda fit with this fic right??)

thank you so much senpaiiii ♡

>w< your comment really lifted up my mood from stressed work today hehe <3


canadaphile September 29 2015, 16:03:10 UTC
He just expects Jimin to understand. That is truly lazy.

The song totally fits! Like Jungkook says, Yoongi's good with raps but not words, but words really are all they have when they're not together to physically act on their affection. ;w;

I'm glad I could brighten your day a little bit. uwu I hope the rest of your week treats you better.


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