First and foremost...
From: Ken Lally
Date: Oct 21, 2008 6:50 PM
what a nice letter thank you so much and thanks to your friends. All the best,
It took alot of guts on my part, but I emailed Ken Lally, Wesker's motion capture actor in RE5, to let him know just how good of a job it looks that he's done so far as Wesker in RE5, and I included most of my fangirlie friends whenever I was writing him the message. That was his response, and he says thanks to everyone! So I just thought I'd share that XD!!!
BTW, LAWL@him being all er...MUWAHAHAHAHA XD!!! That tickled me hahaha ^^!!!
As pointed out to me by
Cleonism Wesker is apparently carrying something in his hand in the whole "Poor Performance Indeed" scene. I screencapped it, brightened it a bit (hence the fuzziness sorta) and threw it up here for all to see. It kinda looks like a disc neh? Thoughts, opinions? hehehe ^^!!!