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Jan 01, 2025 19:27

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Comments 40

chelsea September 1 2010, 20:24:55 UTC


re_vised September 2 2010, 17:07:59 UTC


harnessphoto November 29 2010, 01:47:11 UTC


re_vised November 30 2010, 19:37:40 UTC
Yes! (Sorry it took me so long to respond! My emails quit going to my phone...?)


buymeaclue January 6 2012, 19:40:50 UTC
I keep seeing your smart/sensible comments elsewhere on my flist. Hi?


re_vised February 25 2012, 20:18:34 UTC
So this is a super old comment, but I think I deleted it by accident. I don't know if LJ gives notifications for deleted comments? I just didn't want you to go... WTF? LOL


greenbloodbitch March 13 2012, 22:17:43 UTC
I see you all over the place in equestrian, Michelle's blog, Dom's seem pretty awesome! Is it alright if I friend you? :)


re_vised March 13 2012, 22:22:25 UTC
Yes! I see you all over the place, too. We have a lot of friends in common, actually!


greenbloodbitch March 13 2012, 22:26:55 UTC
Yay! The more horse/dog friends, the better :)


re_vised March 14 2012, 03:34:18 UTC
I agree! :)


kaishin108 March 22 2012, 15:05:41 UTC
Cute photo of your dogs! I have three and need to get a photo of all three of them soon! :) Looking forward to being friends with you!


re_vised March 22 2012, 15:26:15 UTC
Thanks! Actually, it's only the big dog that is mine. The other is a friends dog who LOVES my dog. I also have a border collie mix.

Looking forward to getting to know you, too!


kaishin108 March 22 2012, 16:05:39 UTC
Ohhh I used to have a Border Collie, sweetest, craziest, funniest dog ever :) The Afghan Hound compared to the Border Collie is like night and day, they are like big cats, hee hee. One of mine is half Aussie Shepard and half Afghan Hound, she gets a bit mixed up, lol. I love horses but am a bit allergic and a bit afraid of them. Some of my friends have horses though, how wonderful for you!


re_vised March 22 2012, 16:51:39 UTC
I've been riding for going on 19 years; I'm so glad I don't have allergies because it's not something I could give up!

I've only met two Afghan Hounds. (I work part-time at a vet hospital, they were brother and sister.) I think they're gorgeous dogs, but don't think I could handle their long hair!


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