I pulled this out of my back pocket when I got home tonight- What's it like to lose touch with normality? Let's start with working a 5:30 to 3:30 shift
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I want to win millions! Well not really, I just want to go on the game show. When he asks me what I'm going to do with the money if I win it I will tell him "Howie, I just want to go to college." Which is true
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What's worse than having a stinky dog and equally stink bathroom? Locking said dog in said bathroom thinking you're going to contain the smell and coming home to find a hole (yes a HOLE) in your bathroom door where said dog ripped through and got loose
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I'm really disappointed that the computer at Villard won't let me on Livejournal. I see people all the time checking their MySpace pages and emails but for some reason LJ makes it kick off the net
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So tonight I pack up and start heading home. It's been a great visit but I'm honestly exhausted. I can't wait to get back into my life even if it's super crazy/busy
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I should apologize for the last couple of depressing posts. I got some sleep last night and things are looking up today. After I got off work I ended up at a party/gathering and hung out with some folks I really liked (should I mention the kegerator of Total Domination
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