I'm seriously sick of people judging me. I have my friends, who make fun of me for everything. And then I have people who don't even know me analyzing the things I do
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He's senseless like that sometimes. He's always been that way. People grow up but don't necessarily change. Does he still get sulky and bitter if you insult him? That always pissed me off more than anything - the victimized act. Not too demean or rant or anything. I would never demean or rant about anyone. That would be not nice. *cough*
well not kelli that isnt the right way to handle it... you should sneak up behind him when he doesnt know you are there and shank him... punches just hurt your hands, and they most likely will not kill him.
Don't worry, I went to church with him for a few years, we had a really big group. Noone else liked him either. He's still in the terrible twos, just with more communication skills.
Like I said at lunch today, explosives are always the way to go. He's a jerk to you and will always be. I could tell that from the one and only time I talked to him.
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