Yay! Well, she'd know Don. adonisd Don is a 20-year-old bartender at the Three Broomsticks, and is also a Squib. He's... uhm... pretty crazy at times. Backstory? :D
I'd say she makes the visit to TB every now and again, and honestly? I have no idea how she'd react to Don. If they aren't close friends, she might actually be a bit intidimated by him.
She has worked at Ollivanders since leaving school, so she would, in fact, know this Richard person of whom you speak. I believe him to be a Slytherin with a HAWT Dancy brother, is this correct? YUSH. Erm, let me know what other backstory you'd like for them or let me know how you think they'd get along.
I can imagine she would be all polite to Armand, unlike bouncy Gryffindors who flirt with him and then attack about kidnapping and such. She'd try and engage him in boring conversation. Perhaps he prefers the flirty diversion-ish bouncy gal types, I do not know.
HUZZAH for fellow Claws. Since Eliza WAS Head Girl, they definitely would have spoken and maybe even keep in touch a bit. Eliza takes well to kindness, as most people do unless they FAIL.
Every's probably out, aside from the occassional ice cream visit I suppose.
This Richard person of whom I speak is of the Lawley persuasion and does in fact have a HAWT@ (swirl!) brother that looks a fair bit like that HUGH DANCY fellow. *nods v. srsly* BUT ANYWAY, I think thaaaat... Hmm. I think that we should actually maybe play out her first day at Ollivander's? Perhaps him training her for the job? Because I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how they'd get on. :D
Armand would take quite well to the boring conversation, especially if she comes off as well-educated. He prefers the flirty-diversion bouncy gal types for a shag-and-dump, but he becomes a bit fascinated by other types. Much like Emmy; almost an obsession he forms to those people. *twilight zone muzak*
Yay for Claw friends! :D Leah would LOVE that keeping in touch bit, especially via owls. Romantic, old-world, tradition-lover that she is.
YOU USED THE @ of HAWT! *beams with pride* I think that thread sounds very much like a good idea, kthnx. I am interested to see what Eliza's take on Richard is, as Sophie is so very "LAWLEYS LOLZ"... O_O
Sophie will not be shagging Armand, kthnx. That being said, Eliza is about as well-educated as you can get. She's all intelligent and stuff, vair boring at times. I don't know if I want him forming an obsession, as she would be very freaked out by such a thing and not so very flattered. Actually, I could see them somewhat getting along, as long as he doesn't call her a mudblood, which I have a feeling he would say aloud. He's very smarmy, in my eyes. XD
Eliza loves sending owls. Big fan of the quill, as should be apparent. XD
Well, I would assume Raye would even know her because Elizabeth was Head Girl in her 7th Year - I'm sure that would make them aware of each other. But... I mean, same year AND house? They had to AT LEAST be acquaintances I would say!
Um... I'm not sure if you want anything more specific than that? I'd say they'll get along, but I've not played Eliza much aside from with Richard because of the lack of UK people at the time. Soooo... yeah! I think they're friends and would have fun catching up to some degree. Eliza's the quiet, bustling about type though... so I wouldn't expect her to be hyper and giddy or anything. XD
Comments 12
I'd say she makes the visit to TB every now and again, and honestly? I have no idea how she'd react to Don. If they aren't close friends, she might actually be a bit intidimated by him.
She has worked at Ollivanders since leaving school, so she would, in fact, know this Richard person of whom you speak. I believe him to be a Slytherin with a HAWT Dancy brother, is this correct? YUSH. Erm, let me know what other backstory you'd like for them or let me know how you think they'd get along.
I can imagine she would be all polite to Armand, unlike bouncy Gryffindors who flirt with him and then attack about kidnapping and such. She'd try and engage him in boring conversation. Perhaps he prefers the flirty diversion-ish bouncy gal types, I do not know.
HUZZAH for fellow Claws. Since Eliza WAS Head Girl, they definitely would have spoken and maybe even keep in touch a bit. Eliza takes well to kindness, as most people do unless they FAIL.
Every's probably out, aside from the occassional ice cream visit I suppose.
*breathes with you*
Armand would take quite well to the boring conversation, especially if she comes off as well-educated. He prefers the flirty-diversion bouncy gal types for a shag-and-dump, but he becomes a bit fascinated by other types. Much like Emmy; almost an obsession he forms to those people. *twilight zone muzak*
Yay for Claw friends! :D Leah would LOVE that keeping in touch bit, especially via owls. Romantic, old-world, tradition-lover that she is.
Sophie will not be shagging Armand, kthnx. That being said, Eliza is about as well-educated as you can get. She's all intelligent and stuff, vair boring at times. I don't know if I want him forming an obsession, as she would be very freaked out by such a thing and not so very flattered. Actually, I could see them somewhat getting along, as long as he doesn't call her a mudblood, which I have a feeling he would say aloud. He's very smarmy, in my eyes. XD
Eliza loves sending owls. Big fan of the quill, as should be apparent. XD
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