So, generally I pretend that commercials aren't happening - I ignore them with the full range of my ignore-tactics if I can't just fast forward through them. Occasionally some slip through my radar, though, and occasionally it's the really annoying ones (or I find them annoying because of a minor thing they got wrong).
There's a yogurt commercial which clearly demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of coffee shops. One girl orders a decaf thing, the next one orders a TRIPLE and then cancels it and decides to trade it for a yogurt instead. The only reason to drink a triple is if you really need the caffeine from a triple shot of espresso all at once - I only ever get a double if I got only 2 hours of sleep and need to function like I got 8, I can't imagine feeling the need for a triple. So, no, you wouldn't swap your triple-whatever-latte for yogurt because yogurt doesn't have anywhere near the caffeine content. If they'd had the decaf-girl get the yogurt that would make sense... as it is, it drives me crazy every single time it comes on...