I've decided to revive this blog for a new phase in my life, largely because I need somewhere to write down all this stuff that's happening now. I'm not sure if anyone still uses LJ, but re: fandom stuff -
all my recent fic is on A03 under the same username .
So what happened? Well in short - I finished my PhD, got a book deal which is due in November, and got a lectureship of at least 2 years in media theory. So far so great, right? Well, yes, so far as it goes. The downside is I had to move all the way to North Wales, leaving all my friends, my family, up here to Bangor, where I have been granted my dream job in a place where I know no one, and it rains a lot.
I still can't quite believe I did this. But I truly could not turn this lectureship down.
I'm sitting here on my new bed, Bibi curled up next to me and Zara in her self appointed safe place down the side of my bed, waiting for my landlord to come show me how to work the shower and hot water.
That happened.
Bibi has some stress cystitis, but it's not too bad, and I think at this point putting her back in her carrier and taking her to a vet would be more stress for her than it's worth for the painkillers. I'll keep her on cystease and the urinary wet food.
This is what I must do tomorrow
- Go to the Pets at Home that has a vet in, get the cats registered there. Buy more cystease, feliway and litter trays (you see where my priorities lie).
- Register myself at a doctor
- Clean skirting boards, windowsills etc. The place needs hoovering really, but I'm giving it a few days for the cats to get more comfortable here first.
Really must start working on the book again. Sort work emails; email my new boss to say I made it to Bangor. Walk around and try to understand where I live.
Getting my phoneline (I'm online because the old tenants left their phone and modem here, so I'm just piggybacking off that for now and no idea how legal that is or isn't) and phone British Gas to arrange to have the meters changed to credit. Phone someone about putting some mesh up so the cats can make use of the yard (it's small and just concrete, but I will put cat grass and plants in there). Update bank etc with new address details.
I already miss my friends and family but I talked to my mum and skyped with one of my best friends already. There's a pub right across the street from me (literally) so on some night I might go over and like...talk to people. If I feel like it. Or I might just skype with my friends in Cardiff and cuddle my cats.
Cross your fingers for me that Bibi gets over this quickly.
I know I probably sound a little down right now, and I am feeling pretty wobbly, but this really is a great opportunity. Once term starts I'm sure I'll have a great time, but I had to move here now because this was when my friend was available to help and I don't have a driving license. Now I'm gonna watch Youtube and read fanfic until I fall asleep. Last night I slept on the floor in the room we'd set the cats up in, in a sleeping bag. I probably got about 4hrs sleep and dreamed some crazy thing about teleporting in London. Goodnight.