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Comments 32

empressearwig August 28 2011, 16:52:24 UTC
1. Let's get this out of the way at the top so that I don't ask all the questions about it. Dean Priest: worst or worst ever? How much did you want to punch him in the face for lying to Emily about her book being terrible and how much did you want to punch him again when he took advantage of her injury to get her to marry him?

I HATE HIM SO MUCH, I WANT HIM TO DIE A THOUSAND FIERY DEATHS, WORST EVER. Ahem. But no, this book is just like, the culmination of everything that's wrong with Dean and Emily's relationship from the beginning and I HATE that so much of the book is given over to it. Ugh. I hate his face and I've never even seen it.

2. We talked a lot about whether or not the number of suitors Anne had was ridiculous, but I think Emily had way more proposals. How ridiculous did you find them?

The proposals in this book are out of control. I mean, I quite enjoy Emily and think she's pretty awesome, but I'm supposed to believe all the dudes want her? No.

3. Over the course of the book, Ilse, Perry, Emily, and Teddy's ( ... )


katayla August 28 2011, 20:05:46 UTC

UGH, I hate that it really does come down to that! I mean, Teddy's mom played her part, but they were doing a fine job of messing it up on their own. *sigh*


empressearwig August 28 2011, 20:13:25 UTC
You got an Emily icon! Had you had that before and I just never noticed?

And yeah, Mrs. Kent did play a part but even after she fessed up Emily's pride still got in the way, because she could have told Teddy what had happened sooner. I don't know. They're such dumb idiots. But they're MY dumb idiots.


katayla August 28 2011, 20:27:46 UTC
I had before, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've used it! And YOU have a Babysitters' Club one! Now I want to overhaul all my icons and make them all book related.

Or, at least, IDK, HINTED at it or something? Especially after the wedding didn't happen.

And, yes, they may frustrate me, but I do love them.


katayla August 28 2011, 20:04:15 UTC
1. Let's get this out of the way at the top so that I don't ask all the questions about it. Dean Priest: worst or worst ever? How much did you want to punch him in the face for lying to Emily about her book being terrible and how much did you want to punch him again when he took advantage of her injury to get her to marry him?


2. We talked a lot about whether or not the number of suitors Anne had was ridiculous, but I think Emily had way more proposals. How ridiculous did you find them?

Haha, it really is pretty out of control. I think I'd forgotten how much it just continues and continues! Even a the very end, she still seems to be getting lots of men!

3. Over the course of the book, Ilse, Perry, Emily, and Teddy's friendships grow and stretch and change as time and distance separates them. Did you find it a reasonably realistic portrayal of what can happen to friendships when people scatter to the winds?Yeah, it really was. I like that it acknowledged that friendships DO change when you grow up and separate . . . ( ... )


empressearwig August 28 2011, 20:15:08 UTC
Though on this re-read, it drove me crazy how UNDERSTANDABLE it really was. I can so understand where they were coming from.

Yeah, I actually do understand each of the events that separates them -- in isolation. But all of them together, combined, it's just too much. Dumbasses.


myr_soleil August 28 2011, 20:10:39 UTC
1. Let's get this out of the way at the top so that I don't ask all the questions about it. Dean Priest: worst or worst ever? How much did you want to punch him in the face for lying to Emily about her book being terrible and how much did you want to punch him again when he took advantage of her injury to get her to marry him?UGH. Dean lying to her and then almost completely ruining her life (thank God her spirit was strong enough for her to want to laugh again and write again and realize that she hadn't lost everything) in this book makes me absolutely unable to like him at all in the last two books. He just never redeems himself, does he? He starts out creepy (although admittedly saving her life) and then gets creepier before almost killing all that he loved in Emily. If he hadn't told her about lying once she broke the engagement I think I would have reached through time and fiction to rip his face off ( ... )


myr_soleil August 28 2011, 20:10:51 UTC
6. Emily calling to Teddy on the Flavian: creepy, romantic, or creepily romantic?
Very romantic! It disturbs me less than Emily knowing about Isle's mom or the little lost boy in the house. I can more easily believe such a connection between two people who love each other so much, especially in the face of death? Plus, it breaks off the engagement to Dean, so, bonus.

7. How badly did you want to shake both Emily and Teddy over the course of the book? They both knew and yet they never managed to overcome their selves to get it together? Does it make you sad to think about how much time they wasted?
They are seriously ridiculous. They never talk to each other! Emily is way too proud (and Teddy's a little bit dumb). That time where she doesn't answer his call always rips out my heart when I read it. I don't know, maybe I'm not proud enough, because I just don't understand her instinct to hide her feelings and lie to protect her pride. It could have fixed so many things, ughh

8. Were you reasonably satisfied with how the romantic ( ... )


empressearwig August 28 2011, 20:21:22 UTC
I will say though that it looked kind of fun to furnish their home and plan their travels around the world and everything. Too bad it had to be with him aka the scum of the earth!

Basically, this. That house sounded awesome. Although, Dean giving it to Emily and Teddy? Weird. Like, it was always Emily's house, I get that, but I don't know how she could have lived there with Teddy. It sort of felt like Dean sticking his nose where it didn't belong one last time.

Plus, it breaks off the engagement to Dean, so, bonus.


That time where she doesn't answer his call always rips out my heart when I read it.


I honestly think the lovin' at the end is too shortThis is true. Mostly I just forgive it because I'm so relieved they're finally together without anyone else getting in the way, plus, I can kind of see it? Teddy finally realizing that enough is enough and that if he doesn't say something he'll regret it for the rest of his life even more than he regrets everything that's happened. But there should ( ... )


katayla August 28 2011, 20:31:48 UTC
maybe I'm not proud enough, because I just don't understand her instinct to hide her feelings and lie to protect her pride. It could have fixed so many things, ughh

Ahhh, see I understand it all too well! I was that girl who was afraid to ever let the guy know she liked him. No wonder those crushes never worked out. :P

And it doesn't make much sense - suddenly Teddy decides to go home and to call to her, for no reason at all?

Yeah, I really wondered about that this time through. I guess things had to break at some point? But I do wish we'd heard a little more about what lead him to finally do something.


h_loquacious August 29 2011, 05:00:08 UTC
This book has reminded me of why I don't often reread this series. It's uncanny in parts and it makes me ache. Really this series is things going wrong from about midway through book two on. I can't put them down and I like them, but they make me genuinely uneasy ( ... )


empressearwig September 2 2011, 00:56:59 UTC
I wanted to shake Ilse in this book, but not for that.

What did you want to shake her for?

You know, I haven't read A Tangled Web for YEARS. I'll have to do that soon.


h_loquacious September 2 2011, 03:58:28 UTC
She irritated me at the end a bit, with all her flitting around like a butterfly, not taking anything seriously. It just irritated me how obviously she didn't want to marry Teddy, and was claiming to want to have the close relationship with Emily again and was just being an idiot about the whole thing in general. I don't know, she just irritates me in that section. Not because she is marrying Teddy, but more for the frivilous behaviour there and in the bit before.

I love A Tangled Web. Despite the fact that it always strikes me as a bit incestuous. At the very least a little too in-bred. Even though the biologist in me knows it's probably fine.


empressearwig September 3 2011, 15:06:00 UTC
I think the moment I'm most frustrated with her is when she defaces Perry's picture, because really? REALLY?

I usually put cousin-loving down to period when I read it. But they are all very close.


spyglass_ September 3 2011, 14:56:10 UTC
1. Let's get this out of the way at the top so that I don't ask all the questions about it. Dean Priest: worst or worst ever? How much did you want to punch him in the face for lying to Emily about her book being terrible and how much did you want to punch him again when he took advantage of her injury to get her to marry him?

DEAN PRIEST IS THE ACTUAL WORST EVER. I HATE HIM AND NOTHING HE CAN EVER DO WOULD MAKE ME FORGIVE HIM. Because yeah, that's just not okay. It's creepy and controlling and manipulative and possessive. I HAD A LOT OF FEELINGS. None of them were good.

2. We talked a lot about whether or not the number of suitors Anne had was ridiculous, but I think Emily had way more proposals. How ridiculous did you find them?

It was pretty ridiculous. I didn't think much about it at the time, but it was a little bit much. Mostly, I just wanted Perry to stop proposing.

3. Over the course of the book, Ilse, Perry, Emily, and Teddy's friendships grow and stretch and change as time and distance separates them. Did you find it a ( ... )


empressearwig September 3 2011, 15:04:28 UTC
What if Ilse hadn't learned about Perry's car accident RIGHT IN THAT SECOND? I mean, that's awfully convenient.

Yeah, I get this, but in this case I feel like it's redeemed by Ilse's line that even if she'd found out after the wedding she would have gone just the same? Because I believe she meant that.



spyglass_ September 3 2011, 15:20:56 UTC
Okay, TRUE. I forgot about that. But then my brain goes to "WHAT IF THERE WAS NEVER A CAR ACCIDENT AT ALL!?" How long would it have taken her to realize her true feelings, and at what point does the damage become irreversible? I AM GOOD AT WORST-CASE SCENARIOS? I do not know. I think I could have excused it better if we got a little more of them together and happy at the end.



katayla September 5 2011, 00:13:36 UTC
You know, though, in some ways, I think it made it easier for me to handle Ilse/Teddy the way it was? I don't think I could've handled it if supposedly they were in love, too, and it was a genuine love triangle (or quadrangle, I guess). Or if one of them was in love and the other wasn't. I mean, at least, they were using each other and knew it? (Haha, not that that's a GOOD thing, but I liked that they were on equal grounds, I guess.)


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