It was early evening of the 29th. Canas had accidentally spent his day in a book when he knew he should be wandering about. Unfortunately, it was just too good to put down! Oh well.
He had been slightly oblivious to the "cursed springs" problem, so he thought taking a dip wouldn't be too bad of an idea. It sounded so relaxing to him at the moment! (Besides, the passage he stopped at was just after a hot springs scene, where the protagonist had been in deep thought while relaxing in the calming waters of the enchanted spring... it made him kind of want to think for a while in a hot spring, too.)
So that's just what he did. And indeed, it was relaxing! That is, until he decided it was time to head back. Dripping wet, sure, but that was okay. He'd dry off on the walk back.
...Okay, so it was lasting longer than he expected, this state of being wet. By the time he made it back to the lodge, his hair had managed to drip all over onto the robes he carried. He would have to find a different thing to wear, but he'd have to dry off first.
It was an hour later. He still wasn't dry. In fact, he was dripping wet. An ocean of a puddle had surrounded him. What could be the matter? Grabbing a few towels he found conveniently at the deck, he wrapped himself up and ran to his room, grabbing his computer and attempting not to get it wet. Which was, granted, a difficult thing, and he did get water all over the keyboard.
[[The feed flickers on to show Canas wrapped in a bundle of towels. His hair is dripping wet. He flashes a sheepish smile to the lens.]] Hello everyone! It certainly has been nice, has it not? This vacation. It is just the relaxation I needed to get into the epic of Lord Enhmor of Endchaia. He seems to be a fantastic man, with the intelligence of a god and the skill of the finest swordsman--
I digress. Um... I seem to have a problem, and who better to ask than the people of this school? [[For being
cursed, Canas sure is peppy.]] For some reason, after I went into the hot springs, I cannot dry off. I sat outside for approximately an hour and a half, and here I am... still as wet as can be. I seek a solution, but I can't imagine where to find one. Here I am, getting the floor all wet, and my computer does not seem to appreciate this treatment... Oh, the floor! I should probably get going... Someone is sure to be upset with me.