How's it?

Mar 11, 2005 18:55

It's like this ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

lion_ March 11 2005, 18:39:09 UTC
i didnt know one damn artist on that website. sad, but true.

get stoned for me though. even though i get stoned for myself. very often. every day, in fact. several times a day, even.


gonna go now. :)

congrats to your brother, ps.


readytorelease March 13 2005, 21:21:24 UTC
we shall smoke it up upon my return... it is the lifestyle here. we smoke after our poetry society meetings outside in the middle of the day on campus & there is no fuss! lovelovelove it.


colerbear March 11 2005, 23:35:43 UTC
yay good for your brother!

it sucks for you, but I'm sure he didn't mean it. he ALWAYS asks for your dating advice and I'm sure it will put a damper on everyone's day because you won't be able to see it.

you should talk them into a big summer reception!


readytorelease March 13 2005, 21:26:30 UTC
you're right! makes me feel better.. come to think about it, he asked for my blessing last summer on the marriage issue. i'm still sad though. he's my only sibling, so this was my one shot! :'(


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