Woke up thinking about this.

Nov 04, 2005 06:45

I think I am going to write a self help book for people who think they need hundreds of drugs to live a normal life. And I'm not so much talking narcotics as I am perscriptions. People need to stop relying on other substances/people blah blah blah.
You're so much stronger than that. We all are.

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Comments 11

_avoid November 4 2005, 19:07:11 UTC
I agree. ♥


king_of_sc November 4 2005, 19:13:32 UTC
I'm sure everyone reading this besides myself will overlook the american dependency on caffeine which I choose not to drink.


asilaywhat November 4 2005, 22:29:42 UTC
shut it delcom the destroyer. caffeine doesn't even do anything to me. plus we got better things to worry about, like pot in denver!

word up to this post holly, word up.


king_of_sc November 4 2005, 23:25:07 UTC
I think long-term chronic weed-smokers could say the same. ADDICT!


lien_the_lost November 4 2005, 22:52:22 UTC
If we're getting this critical, lets not forget the dependency we have on processed and chemically-enhanced foods.


_pippipcheerio November 5 2005, 01:21:09 UTC
I totally agree with you


dismantle_me3 November 5 2005, 04:38:48 UTC
Hey, this is Jamie Wyatt. My boyfriend was telling me you talked to him today so I thought "hey I remember when I talked to her!" So if you don't mind and you do remember me, I'm going to add you as a friend.Please add me back.


real__romance November 6 2005, 17:21:33 UTC
Haha, yea he mentioned you and i was like "I USED TO BE HER LJ FRIEND!" h


dismantle_me3 November 7 2005, 02:38:14 UTC


colormebad November 10 2005, 23:50:28 UTC
hey, go see "The Chumscrubber". It's kinda about that.


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